The World - Opportunity - MAJOUR

In the pantheon of gods, the first deity of chaos is the primordial force known simply as "the World." Unlike the gods of law who represent order and stability, the World embodies the raw, untamed power of chaos and change, shaping the cosmos according to its own inscrutable will.   While often depicted as a swirling mass of energy, the World can take any form it desires. It might appear to mortals as a shifting landscape, a kaleidoscope of colours, or even a creature of unfathomable beauty or terror, reflecting the chaotic nature of its being. The World is a force of constant flux and upheaval, its form ever-changing and its motives unfathomable to mortals and gods alike.   But while the World is often seen as a force of destruction and upheaval, it is also a source of renewal and transformation. In its endless cycle of creation and destruction, the World gives rise to new possibilities and opportunities, shaping the destiny of the cosmos with each twist and turn of its cosmic dance. Yet, for all its power and majesty, the World is not without its adversaries. The gods of law, with their desire for order and stability, often clash with the chaotic energies of the World, seeking to impose their own vision of reality upon the cosmos. But try as they might, the gods of law can never fully tame the wild and unpredictable nature of chaos, for the World exists beyond their control, a force of nature as ancient and enduring as creation itself.

Divine Domains

As a god of chaos, the World is not bound by the rules and limitations of mortal existence. It exists beyond time and space, transcending the boundaries of the known universe and encompassing all things within its ever-expanding embrace. From the depths of the void to the farthest reaches of the cosmos, the World's influence can be felt in every corner of creation. With its boundless energy and limitless potential, the World is both creator and destroyer, giving birth to new worlds and civilizations even as it consumes them in the fires of chaos.   The World's influence is seen in natural disasters, the rise and fall of empires, and the birth of new species. It is the spark of innovation and the flame of destruction, often working through agents who unknowingly further its agenda.


Artifacts linked to this god are items of great power that defy explanation, like a cloak woven from the fabric of the night sky or a sword that can cut through dimensions.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbols associated with the World are often paradoxical, such as a serpent eating its own tail (ouroboros) or an infinity symbol.

Tenets of Faith

The World teaches that change is the only constant and that chaos is not to be feared but embraced. It encourages its followers to challenge the status quo and to find beauty in the impermanence of all things.


The most sacred times for the World's followers are during celestial events like eclipses or comets, which are seen as manifestations of the World's power. Rituals often involve the creation or destruction of something, symbolizing the endless cycle of chaos.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The goal of the World is not domination but the continuation of the cosmic dance of creation and destruction. It seeks to prevent stagnation and ensure that the universe remains a dynamic and ever-evolving tapestry.
Divine Classification
Majour God of Chaos

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