Twelve Man Gallows

On a rugged island off the coast of Malillo, there stands a formidable sea fort, known as Twelve Man Gallows, formerly Fortaleza del Maril.

Purpose / Function

Despite their reputation, the pirates of Twelve Man Gallows adhere to a strict code of conduct within the fort’s walls. This code ensures order and mutual respect among the diverse crew and prevents internal conflicts. While docked at the fort, crews can resupply provisions and repair ships. Pirates can restock on essentials like food, water, and ammunition, and skilled craftsmen are available to repair and upgrade their vessels.
After long voyages or intense battles, the fort offers a place for pirates to rest and recover. The barracks provide sleeping quarters, and the mess hall serves as a communal area for meals and socializing. This also provides a space for illicit trade, where pirates can barter or sell their plundered goods. The fort’s relative safety allows for a thriving black market where rare and exotic items change hands.


The entrance is a massive wooden gate reinforced with iron bands. It opens to a courtyard where goods are often traded, and raucous celebrations are held.


  • The Barracks: Once housing disciplined soldiers of Malillo’s navy, the barracks now serve as communal living spaces for the pirates. Hammocks and bunks line the walls, and the room is filled with the personal effects of its rogue occupants.
  • The Armoury: The armoury remains well-stocked, not just with traditional naval weapons but also with those plundered from conquered ships.
  • The Captain’s Quarters: The largest and most lavish room in the fort is reserved for the captain presently elected to oversee the fort. It’s adorned with spoils of piracy, including luxurious textiles, rare artifacts, and a large, ornate desk where plans for future raids are crafted.
  • The Lookout Tower: The highest point in the fort offers a panoramic view of the surrounding sea. It’s manned at all times by lookouts who watch for incoming ships and signal the approach of friends or foes.
  • The Mess Hall: A large hall where the pirates gather to eat and drink features long wooden tables and benches. The walls are decorated with maps and nautical charts, and a large hearth provides warmth during cooler nights.
  • The Brig: A small jail within the fort is used to detain prisoners taken during raids or to discipline crew members who have violated the pirates’ code.
  • The Chapel: Originally a place of worship for the soldiers, the chapel has been repurposed into a space for quiet reflection or clandestine meetings among the pirates.
  • The Storehouses: These rooms are filled with barrels of rum, crates of food, chests of gold, and other plundered treasures, carefully catalogued and guarded.
  • The Infirmary: A vital space within the fort, the infirmary is equipped with medical supplies and crude surgical tools, tended by the pirate crew’s most knowledgeable in matters of health and medicine.


The fort’s formidable defenses, including its high walls and cannons, offer protection against naval assaults. The pirates maintain a vigilant watch, ensuring that any approaching threat is identified and dealt with swiftly.


Fortaleza del Maril, once the pride of Malillo's naval army, stood as an unyielding sentinel against the threats that roamed the seas. Its walls, thick and impenetrable, were a testament to Malillo’s maritime might and strategic insight. The downfall of the fort can be traced back to a strategic misstep by Malillo’s navy. In their pursuit to replicate the success of the Sovereign of the Seas, the naval command redirected significant funding and resources towards the construction of a second formidable vessel.   With reduced financial support, the fort’s defences began to wane. Maintenance of the ramparts, cannons, and other critical infrastructure was neglected. The garrison’s numbers dwindled as salaries were cut and soldiers sought more stable employment elsewhere. Sensing an opportunity in the weakening of Malillo’s maritime defences, a confederation of pirate crews banded together to target Fortaleza del Maril. The once formidable defenses were easily breached, and the reduced garrison was quickly overwhelmed. By dawn, the fort had fallen, and the pirates claimed it as their own.    Fortaleza del Maril, now under pirate control, became a symbol of defiance against the established powers. The pirates fortified their new stronghold, making it a hub for their operations and remaming it Twelve Man Gallow for the twelve naval commanders who were hung after the fort fell.
Alternative Names
Fortaleza del Maril
Parent Location


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