Avanalla Forest Geographic Location in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil

Avanalla Forest

Created by Avanalla in The Precusror Times, the Avanalla forest has been a bastion of protection to its inhabitants since Avanalla created the first saprolings. Soon after the forest's creation, the Grass Giants were created and made it their home, spreading across it and claiming the eastern two thirds of the forest by the time the Progenitor Wars started. Towards the end of the Progenitor Wars, much of the Avanalla Forest was under threat from the surrounding Dragons.   Avanalla herself protected the forest along with Umrick, God of Forest Gnomes, Miralamin, God of Wood Elves and Gthraslaug, God of Grass Giants. When Umrick and Miralamin were destroyed and Avanalla transformed her avatar into the Great Cavas Bridges, the only remaining deity in the forest was Gthraslaug, but he was bound by The Piaos Accords and could not expend much of his remaining power himself. Where he could not maintain order, he instead ordered the Grass Giants to do so. Few in numbers, and no longer the undisputed rulers of the forest, the giants could not adhere to their creator's wishes as they once would have. Instead, they realized that the most important points, the newly made Great Cavas Bridges, needed to be kept protected and so they found all of the bridges and have set themselves up to protect them.   To the west of the Neolrick Scars the Forest Gnomes and Wood elves have since united in their bid at survival and have claimed the upper branches for themselves.
by Ben J
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