Handel, God of Perseverance

Divine Domains

Domains: perseverance & luck   Handel is the god of perseverance, forging, and hunting


Handel has created a handful of powerful artifacts in her years since the creation of Zelidin:

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Handel's iconic helm is his most notable symbol. Two large stag horns emerge from the front, whole three more rise from behind the head to represent the spires of Handel. The helm encompasses most of the head, but leaves the face mostly open, except for a thin strip of material connecting from the center of the forehead to the chin.   Handel's staff is unique in design from all others. Tumurous in appearance, it is made of smooth metal but inscribed to appear cracked along it's length. At the top and bottom are two clawlike extrusions that come to vicious points at the ends.   A blindfold made of teal and azure cloth are another symbol of handel.

Tenets of Faith

To continue in the face of great adversity is the mantra of Handel's followers. Followers of have strive for perfection in all they do, but are not afraid to show the work it took to get there. Humbleness is another definite characteristic of Handel's.    To reuse wasted material that others have discarded is often seen as virtuous to followers of Handel. Why allow something that could be used for further practice to fall into disuse.   As god of forging and hunting alike, it has grown to be a great challenge for those to find ways to mix the two. Dangerous traps and powerful weapons capable of felling might creatures is a passion often seen in Handel's followers.


Often, early in the fall months, denizens if zelidin will honor Handel with a festival of hunting and forging. The mere hunting of meager game has been all but abandoned in civilized places where that poses no real challenge. Instead, they seek out dangerous monsters on this day and use it as a time to test their new creations. Some credit this day to Markeyhe, Goddess of Creativity as well and for good reason, the creation of new technology does fall into her domain too.
Divine Classification
Greater deity
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Elemental Warden
The Adamant Miser
Fist of Creation
The Artful Huntmaster
Currently Held Titles
Other Affiliations


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