Markeyhe, Goddess of Creativity Character in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil

Markeyhe, Goddess of Creativity

Divine Domains

Domains: knowledge & protection   Markeyehe is the goddess of creativity, fashion and barriers


Markeyhe has created a handful of powerful artifacts since Zelidin was created that still exist somewhere today:

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The 8 orbs protection are the most common symbol of markeyehe. These red, gold and white ornate orbs connected together to form a necklace are beautiful in design and function as they form a barrier to protect the wearer.   The gold and crimson staff, with an orb of gold floating in between the towers of the head form the second most common symbol of markeyehe.   A pair of lustrious, pure white wings, form the third symbol of markeyehe

Tenets of Faith

Being the goddess of creativity, the discovery of new ideas is vital to markeyehe. Temples are setup that reward those that bring to it new ideas or knowledge. Most importantly, knowledge is not universal. What a temple in the great delta city of dellorso may consider common knowledge and plentiful may be a grand new idea to the secluded people living in the avanalla forest. To spread these ideas far and wide in the most presentable way possible is one of most popular ways to receive the blessing of markeyehe.   Additionally, as the goddess of protection, a tenant of her faith is to protect the knowledge and ideas at all cost. To give your life to protect a beautiful relic or a one of a kind artistic masterpiece is a desirable trait in the eyes of markeyehe.   Unique to markeyehe that few other gods seem to care for is a love of specific color combinations. While most other gods explore a single color as a theme but accept any color, followers of markeyehe are seen only ever in combinations of white, gold and various shades of red.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Markeyehe's skin appears as though made of porcelain painted the color of freshly fallen snow.

Facial Features

Beautiful patterns in shades of red adorn markeyehe's flawless skin, and her irises gleam golden in any light.

Identifying Characteristics

A pair of lustrious feathered wings made of pure white feathers.

Apparel & Accessories

Markeyehe's 8-orb necklace of protection is always around her neck.   Her crown too is always above her, a series of concentric circles made of fine gold stands that frame her head.   Markeyehe always has her staff with her. It seems molded from a dark red hardwood and inlaid with stands of gold and alabaster.


Bellen the Beautiful


Towards Markeyhe, Goddess of Creativity


Markeyhe, Goddess of Creativity


Towards Bellen the Beautiful


Divine Classification
Greater deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Crimson Hood
Master Maker
Apex of Mechanus
Heart of Generosity
Related Myths
Character Portrait image: by Jason Nguyen


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