Iaos, God of Pain

Divine Domains

Domains: death & chaos   Iaos is the god of pain, pleasure, and fear

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The horns if Iaos are ingrained in most life across the planes, and when the horns appear, pain soon follows.   The grotesque, grinning maw of Iaos is another symbol. Whether it is splayed in a scream of agony, or the ecstady of a euphoric delight is impossible to tell.   The otherworldly clawlike limbs of Iaos are another symbol of his

Tenets of Faith

Sadism in its purist form, Iaos embodies the doling out of pain and and the pure pleasure that induces in the one harming others.   In addition to pain, Iaos basks in the fear for others. Temples of fear have often been created throughout history, where the only goal is to induce fear in the visitors to the point that they would die of fear.   Occasionally, these temples were also dedicated to the more nuanced notions of all of Iaos domains, where there would be the reward of pleasure capable of breaking mortal minds if reached.

Physical Description

Body Features

Iaos appears in a form that is the visual embodiment of fear and pain to others. Merely being in his presence sends weak-willed people running from him in terror.

Identifying Characteristics

Iaos' maw grins in perverse pleasure as the only feature on his face.   His horns stick up to deadly points and his silhouette is unique along all known creatures.   His arms extend horribly, unnaturally long before they change into large maws capable of enveloping a small creature entirely. Their rotund, near phallic shape and jagged protrusions seem made only to cause as much pain as possible to anything they clamp down on.

Apparel & Accessories

Iaos body appears covered in black carapace, devoid of clothes or any extra adornments.


Kesris, Goddess of Light

Nemesis (Vital)

Towards Iaos, God of Pain



Iaos, God of Pain

Nemesis (Vital)

Towards Kesris, Goddess of Light



Divine Classification
Greater deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Willing Whip
The Scourge Master
The Sadistic Maw
Algea of Heights
Character Portrait image: by antonio j manzanedo


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