Pontreth Ethnicity in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil


Naming Traditions

Family names

Prefixes: ail, amber, bree, brek, chal, grim, keen, knap, lock, ran, rever
Postfixes: bosh, dine, eye, ilte, kins, sho, star, stee, thirs, till, tsen, will   Examples: Keeneye, keensho, Chalkins, Chalstar, Grimdine, Ranstee, Ailtsen, Ambertsen, Abersho, Breewill, Revebosh


Major language groups and dialects

Common and @Elvish are commonly spoken and known.

Shared customary codes and values

A two-handed clasping hand-shake is a common sign of greeting among friends.
A single-handed handshake is offered to those that you are trying to scorn.

Common Etiquette rules

It is respectful to face somebody directly when addressing them. To turn your head towards them but keep the body facing a different direction is rude.   To insinuate roughhousing or dangerous activities is common and considered friendly banter. This type of conversation is perhaps a bit more brusque than others would consider normal.

Common Dress code

loose-fitting clothing that is easily reparable and sturdy is ideal. Color is often ignored among commoners. Richer garbs tend to be color-coordinated while poorer folk will simply take whatever they can get that will last.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Dumlit Night is a holy night to the Pontreth who honor both Kesris, Goddess of Light and Mydros, Goddess of Sorcery together.

Coming of Age Rites

While the age may vary for the different species in Pontrish, you are considered an adult after the Dumlit night on the proper year for your species:
  • Humans when they turn 15 years old.
  • Half-Elves when they turn 40 years old.
  • Elves when they turn 120 years old.

Funerary and Memorial customs

To honor the goddesses of light, burials are conducted at night by fire. Fires burn through the night to ensure the body is sent to visit the goddesses in their entirety.

Common Taboos

Drawing a weapon without the intent to kill.   Killing without reason.   Mention of the Nine Hells or Biros, God of War in general.


Beauty Ideals

Simplistic and functional is the goal. Short cut hair for men. Medium to long hair for women, but tied back in a ponytail. Generally dark brown hair, but red hair is seen as regal. small, thin-bridged nose. heart or oval shaped face. A strong herbal scent.

Courtship Ideals

courtship may take many years for most. Deciding to marry is an extremely important decision as it is permanent and only ends when one or their spouse die.   marriage ceremonies are therefore few and far between but when they occur they are grand celebrations and anticipated with much joy by those involved.   When a child is born and the parents are not married the child is raised communally by those that the mother lives near and with. communal rearing of children is commonplace even in small towns. Often, the township or local government is responsible to hire and pay as many community members as needed to take charge of this endeavor.   When married, parents may choose to raise their child themselves, but few do as the burden is immense and they usually rely on the community much as children of non-married parents do.

Relationship Ideals

non-committal relationships are common, often had just for physical pleasure, and often quite open. A person rarely decides to have only one partner and thus sexuality is more openly discussed and less taboo to discuss than in other places.
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