Pontrish Organization in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil


During the warring eras after the emergence and fall of the mega-nation of Bulan, the leaders of Pontrish reclaimed their lands on the Dracnic Peninsula and expanded westward, claiming lands belonging originally to the Rillow Dukedom. With their successful campaign, led by the wizards of the Naivara Conservatory. With their place in the Ulbril Plains firmly established, the difficult task of absorbing roughly half the population of the Rillow Duchy and this caused quite a lot of confusion and an unsanctimonious merging of cultures.


Pontrish was formed when the survivors ofTrissle migrated to the continental lands on Zelid in the Ulbril Plains soon after the Second Dracorage. At first, they had landed in what would eventually become known as New Drissle, capital of the Aldrik Republic, but when they first landed, a portion of half-elves and humans believed that land further south or east would prove more hospitable.   They had seen signs they believed left by Mydros, Goddess of Sorcery, and believing that she would not lead them on a chase for nothing followed the signs left by the goddess of investigation and magic. Eventually, after much travels they found themselves settling southeastern portion of the freshly sprouted Redeemed Woods.
Laws of Pontrish
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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