Rolund, God of Misfortune

When a blight strikes your crops and nobody can recover them you may head the words of Rolund whispering to you, saying to strike down two of your neighbors harvests and yours will recover, and it works. From there on his whispers spread and misfortune spreads across the land as the chain continues.   When there has been no rain for three weeks and the well has dried up, Rolund whispers that you should slip a dead cat into the towns well and yours will flow with water again, and it works.   When something unusually unfortunate happens to someone look at the source, for if you simply head the whispers in your mind the web will only grow longer and spread wider.   Followers of Rolund take it upon themselves to subtley cause these chains to begin and it takes a hundred times the effort to stop one than it did to start, so look for those who light their way with braziers that burn without fuel, and those that wear his symbol for if you do not confront then the people and land will surely suffer.   Rolund is one of the greater deities, but he has also found that that the place he calls home is in The Abyss. On Rauwend, he plays with the countless demons who are created out of the dust and cracks and tortures them before sending them on to fight in the Blood War.

Divine Domains

Domains: luck & chaos   Rolund is the god of misfortune, flames, and luck.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A lit brazier, rounded like a hallow bowl is the most common symbol for Rolund. The fire circles the rim, always close to spilling out onto what holds it.   Rolunds signature necklace is another symbol he is known by: a metal heart shaped band of metal that lays flat against its resting surface, but the bottom is hallowed out into an open channel so that the heart shape is incomplete.   Another common symbol is the symbol of four arms, two in the front crossed over the other two behind parallel to each other.

Tenets of Faith

Rolund encourages actions that causes misfortune for others and provides them with luck in their endeavors. Somebody who has experienced great misfortune on their life may receive a message from Rolund, telling them to spread misfortune and their luck will improve. Few realize that Rolund probably caused their original misfortune in some way and gladly succumb to his tempting whispers.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Spread misfortune along the populace and expand those who experience and inflict misfortune among others.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

When Rolund manifests as an avatar on any plane he always appears with a rounded brazier, lit with a smoldering flame instead of a normal head. His body may change, taking any shape or form, but the head is always the same.   Rolund often appears with extra limbs, usually two extra arms, but if he manifests in a vision as some other creature or beast it is likely that there will be two extra limbs.   Rolund always had hooves instead of feet.

Apparel & Accessories

Weapon of choice: Rolund is always seen wielding as many obsidian chakram with blades lit with flames as he has arms. He wields them as melee weapons, but they can be thrown too.


Kalwy the Liar


Towards Rolund, God of Misfortune


Rolund, God of Misfortune


Towards Kalwy the Liar


Divine Classification
Greater deity
Current Location
Ruled Locations
Character Portrait image: by Peter Mohrbacher


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