The Iolite Blade Item in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil

The Iolite Blade

A powerful blade forged in the Naivara Conservatory and given to the current Commander of the Iolite Knights.   This blade is said to have been infused with so much magic over time as the previous commanders have wielded it that it naturally glows a dull purple color. The once iron blade has been altered so deeply that the blade itself no longer appears to be metal, but made of a single large iolite crystal.   Theft and even assassination have been attempted to try to acquire this sword, but the commanders of the iolite knights have always successfully defended their namesake sword.   The Iolite Blade is a sentient weapon, created by the first commander of the Iolite Guards, Naivara Xiloscient who forged it by imbuingĀ it with her own soul and knowledge. The sword is a sentient item that absorbs the essence of its bearer when they die. It has absorbed many people in the thousands of years since its creation, and it gains their knowledge, however through this Naivara Xiloscient continues to be the dominant personality within the blade. She acts in a subtle manor to the best of her ability to influence the blades bearer so that they will always continue to protect the high-elves of Pontrish. She pushes her bearer to prioritize any action that will defend high-elves first.


This sword signifies the office of Commander of the Iolite Knights. It has been passed down through the office. It is believed that the shape of the blade itself changes when a new commander inherits it to best suit them.
Owning Organization


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