Folgo Character in Zennith | World Anvil
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At 15, he became a trainee for the Toshinaga clans samurai force. At 19, he completed his training and was given a bodyguard position for Lord Toshinaga's fifth daughter Rin. Shortly thereafter a Two-tailed Kitsune tried to infiltrate the Toshinaga clan by attempting to masquerade as Rin. To protect his charge, he intercepted a curse that was ment for Rin, and was turned into a half wolf. He held the kitsune off long enough for the more experienced samurai to arrive and take care of it. The curse itself was unable to be lifted, so he took the new name of Folgo.   At 21, Lord Toshinaga allowed Folgo and Rin to marry. After about a 3 years, Folgo was given a mission by Lord Toshinaga in a neighboring land (by himself) to help defuse tension with a rival samurai clan. During this mission, Rin went missing. When he returned, no one could remember where she went, what she was doing, or even much about her at all save Folgo. He believes her to still be alive, somewhere, as his wedding ring still has magic running through it. Now his mission is to Find Rin, and figure out what happened.
by MidJourney
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