Session 2.2 Report in Zennith | World Anvil
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Session 2.2

General Summary

Our heroes begin their journey into Tel Koth and almost immediately come to an intersection of three paths. They choose the farthest right and continue on their way. As they began down the path suddenly there was a rockslide and Orion and Ronan were separated from the rest of the group. Up ahead they hear the sound of battle coming from the room just down the cave path. As they rounded the corner they discovered a humanoid wolf fighting several Kuo-Toa. He was wearing heavy armor while wielding a katana fending off different attacks. Upon approaching the Kuo-Toa immediately turned on them and they began to fight alongside the man. After about half a minute of combat they felled the last Kuo-Toa and were able to talk with the wolf man. As the combat ended he began to shirnk down to a normal size to resemble a slightly more hairy Zhen Gosian man. Among the slain Kuo-toa Badil found a key which he pocketed.

He said that his name was Folgo and that he was down here in search of his wife Rin. She had come down during the last opening of Tel Koth into The Under Realm and because he had only remembered now he was in search of her, daring to hope to find her, or at least what had become of her. They talked a bit more and decided that journeying together would make much more sense than apart so he joined them. They continued down the path to find a long room that seemed to transition between cave to carved construction based on water and fish design.

Badil began to check for possible traps and was able to find a pressure panel that the group was able to avoid. In his continued checking he couldn't find anything else and believed there to be no more traps and should be safe to go. Although he was mistaken as Banished triggered a secondary mechanism and the room began to fill with water threatening to drown them. They rushed to the end of the hallway and Badil began to work on the door. After a few attempts Badil was able to finally get the door open. With all their combined strength they closed the door behind them through the water. Checking again Hadarai opened the door to find the water receding back underneath the floor.

They found themselves in a dimly lit room. There was a table directly to their left as they walked in. A long room held six different statues each with hands outstretched. On the table were six objects a crown, scythe, dagger, trident, a book, and a hammer. Through investigation and wit they were able to place the correct objects with the statue that had the appropriate clue involved. With that a door unlocked at the end of the hall and they proceeded forward.

Opening the door they came to their first view of the inside of Tel Koth. The city before them is quite a massive city of about 2000 plus people. Looking even closer they notice that the majority of the people in the city are Kua-Toa. There are three major rivers coming into the center of town where there lies a larger building that seems to be a temple of some sort. This was truly the first steps into the below that would consume their time and energy for however long they dared to stay.

Rewards Granted

Badil found a key that was Kuo-Toa in origin Banished took some rubbings of the Kuo-Toa statues

Missions/Quests Completed

They completed a puzzle to get into the main cavern where the Kuo-Toa city resides They meet and grouped up with Folgo

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
30 Oct 2023
Primary Location
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