Session 1.1 Report in Zennith | World Anvil
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Session 1.1

General Summary

Everyone traveled to Don's Dumplings for their first meeting. There they not only met each other for the first time but also the man would be their future employer, Cheng, a half-elf with much experience and scrutinizing eyes. He had a mission for them. He needed them to venture into a cave system and recover a statue of Wan the Trickster. They were encouraged to talk with Scout Bo about the area. He told them that in his checking around he didn't see any sign of anything outside the cave. However he didn't know about inside the cave because he had not ventured in there. After that the group was told of several shops in town that were friendly to the Bokkens, or at least not unfriendly. Banished visited Aaron's Sun's shop, the Alchemist's cauldron looking for potions.

After that they started their three day travel to the cave. During the first day they ran into an Aurok stampede but were able to avoid it and steer the civilians to safety. Camping the next day there were actually able to find some treasure near the campsite that had been recently buried. The last day they ran into a spot of quicksand slightly off the path towards the cave but were able to expertly avoid it. Venturing into the cave they discovered some potions that had been abandoned from the previous residents. They made their way to the very back of the cave to find two hobgoblins. At that point Banished cast sleep and on them. They were able to nab the relic as well as a note on the table between the two creatures. They traveled back with no incident and brought the relic back to Cheng at Don's dumplings. Cheng paid them the agreed upon amount for their troubles and took the relic. They then translated the note they found that was in Goblin. It said "Gather the capable warriors and bring them to the camp" signed the Rhino.

The next day they meet Valoria, who would be their handler from this moment on.

Rewards Granted

Upon completion Cheng was going to pay each person 200gp for this mission. This amount reflected their signing on with the Bokkens as well as the hazards they would possibly face in the caves. Lastly anything they found, besides the statue, was fair game to split how they saw fit.

Missions/Quests Completed

The main mission was completed to Cheng's wishes They were also able to complete the mission without killing anyone Lastly they found evidence of a grouping together of some military force

Don's Dumplings

by MidJourney

Cheng Xiong

by MidJourney

Leader of the Bokken chapter in Inkonai, half-elf rogue

Report Date
01 Mar 2022
Primary Location
Related Characters

Cover image: by MidJourney


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