Banished Character in Zennith | World Anvil
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Banished was born in the in the east of Zhen Gho. His home is located in the great East forest that almost covers the Eastern peninsula. His village is located along the banks of a great river, which the firbolgs have named The River. The group of Firbolgs lived a semi aquatic life fishing from The River, hunting in The Forest, and sleeping in specially made tree houses. As a result from this aquatic life, the Firbolgs have developed frog like characteristics. The tribe is lead by Banished's father, a wise and powerful druid of the circle of land (forest). While life is simple for the Firbolgs, there is one rule: do not interact with anyone outside the tribe.

Banished was raised by his father. His mother sadly died in childbirth. His father was raising him to be a druid just like him. However, Banished never felt the same call to nature as his father had. Instead Banished looked to the night and twilight. For he always enjoyed the night air and the restful comfort that came with it. One night he was walking and enjoying the night when he came to a overgrown and abandoned shrine to Shishido before the Dawn. He went about cleaning and repairing the shrine and the shrine became a second home for him. For his work, Shishido blessed him with clerical powers! He became the first cleric ever from this tribe. These new power worried his father. He was unfamiliar with Shishido and wished his son would become the next clan druid. But these wishes never came to pass.

One night, while Banished was patrolling the woods for game, he came along a human mother and daughter be attacked by a group of bandits. Ignoring the rule of no contact, Banished rushed in and saved the mother and daughter. They thanked him but left quickly because they never seen Firbolgs and were afraid of him. Banished returned to the tribe and told his father what had happened. The next day the tribe met and discussed banished fate. For breaking the rule, Banished was sent out of the tribe, never to return. That day he took the name that was the only one ever given to him. From then on he was known as Banished.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Banished has a very special helm her had made from a specific item. During one of his adventures he recovered a honey pot and asked a known armorer in Inkonai to make a helm of it. He was able to do just that infusing a bit of magic in the helm as well. Banished now wears this proudly.

More recently Banished has also acquired a Devotee's Censer. While exploring the Under Realm their group was ambushed by another group of adventures. They unfortunately had to kill them as the other group wouldn't relent. From the cleric of their group Banished acquired this marvelous magical weapon.

Mental characteristics


Banished is currently employed by the criminal organization known as the Bokkens. He is a part of their primary team within the city of Inkonai.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Banished has started a freelance wedding business within Inkonai. He offers his services as Cleric to join people in matrimony. This is a common profession of Clerics of Shishido. She is the goddess of marriage within Zhen Gho.

Morality & Philosophy

Due to Banished's moral views, upbringing in his Firbolg tribe and Clerical training he inherently tells the truth in every situation. He has learned that the absence of information is not the same as a lie, but playing with a very thin line.


Contacts & Relations

Family Ties

Banished's father is head of the Great River Firbolgs. He has not seen him since he was Banished from the tribe.

Religious Views

Banished honors and reveres Shishido Before the Dawn as his main deity. She is also the one who grants him his clerical powers. However Banished also reveres the entire pantheon of Zhen Gho deities with respect.
by MidJourney
Current Status
Exploring Under Realm for the Bokkens
Current Location
The Great Forest
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark green
180 lbs
Shishido Before the Dawn
Aligned Organization


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