Session 1.2 Report in Zennith | World Anvil
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Session 1.2

General Summary

In the down time Amber was given two assistants to help out at her silk worm farm from the Bokkens. Bomb is a Tiefling who is skilled in close combat and very strong while lacking a bit of common sense. His adopted brother Badil, is a wood elf who prefers to stay at range and strike from the shadows and has a bit of a tactical brain about him. Valoria has requested that they come to Don's Dumplings when they get the chance. Everyone arrives there and she welcomes them and presents the next mission for them. Founder's Day is coming soon and with many merchants and strangers come to Inkonai for the festival. She wants them to check in on Braelin, a Tiefling business owner, who will be opening up a Val Chins, a very fancy resteraunt with Bokken connections throughout the nation, here in Inknoai. They have it on good advice she is quite in debt getting here and worried about her grand opening. She would like them talk to her, help her out, and offer a meeting about financial assistance with the Bokkens.

They head out to talk with Braelin. They find her at her shop preparing for her grand opening in time with Founders Day. When they begin talking to her they can tell she is worried and frantic about something. Come to find out she is worried about her delivery driver and with her shipment of food. It has not arrived yet and it should have. Without it her grand opening will flop and will probably lose her business. The group offers to go out and look for her driver, and if able bring back her supplies to help her out. They casually also mention the Bokkens wanting to talk but decide to talk more about it when they return.

With that they head out and are able to quickly find where her shipment was taken off the beaten path. It appeared as though it was ambushed and the wagon was taken into the wilderness. The trailed led them to an old stone building with a wooden pallaside surrounding it. There they saw a group of outlaws with the wagon, some prisoners, and other supplies. Waiting for nightfall they ambushed the bandits and were able to dispatch them. Searching the camp they found Braelin's supplies, as well as her driver Davien, and the original escorts. A dwarf samurai named Lolmac, and a goliath druid named Akiya. Among the items they recovered they also found a letter also from the Rhino simply saying "For the Cause"

They traveled back to Inkonai with the supplies and went to Braelin. They talked with her that night about the supplies and a little bit about the offer the Bokkens would be making to her. Within that discussion they discovered that Braelin's total debt is in the 2 million gold range. She agrees to a meeting with the Bokkens. The next day they discover Braelin has agreed to a lessening of her debt in exchange for part of her profit here in Inkonai. She isn't thrilled about the deal but it is definitely better than what was waiting for her. Also that day Banished does some research and discovers that the Rhino has been popping up in various reports. He has been blamed for many recent attacks along the road. Lastly Wojtek brought money they had found at the bandits hideout to the slums and protected businesses of the Bokkens. They were very grateful to his support and help.

Rewards Granted

During the mission they found some gold as well as items within the bandit camp. They kept the items they had found and most of the gold was given to the people in need in Inkonai as well as the businesses that pay protection money to the Bokkens.

Missions/Quests Completed

The adventurers succesfully recovered Braelin's food supplies and delievered them to her. They were also able to rescue her wagon master, and the two mercenaries they had initially hired to protect the small wagon. After that they were able to make an agreement with Braelin that the Bokkens would take on her debt in return for favors as well as some profit from her business.


by MidJourney

Bokken handler for the players, water genasi sorcerer


by MidJourney

Dwarf samurai mercenary hired by Braelin to protect her caravan


by MidJourney

Goliath moon druid who was also hired by Braelin to protect her food

Report Date
02 Mar 2022
Primary Location
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Cover image: by MidJourney


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