Session 1.3 Report in Zennith | World Anvil
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Session 1.3

General Summary

Meeting at Don's Dumplings to discuss next mission. The group has been noticed by some of the people here in Inkonai. Valoria tells them that specifically the Wilderness Knights and a member of the Coins has requested their aid. Sir Roger Talman of the Wilderness Knights has asked the heroes to help him scout out an area for potential town building. There would be some money invovled in the main mission as well as a reward for each extra resource that is discovered. The second request is from Baron Eisen Crale of House Crale, 4th Coin of Inkonai. He, and several other merchants, have been made aware of a new mine that had been discovered by the Discovery guild. The title was open to anyone who made it there first to stake a claim. Upon hearing from both of the men the group decided to help the Baron and come back afterwards to help Sir Roger if he was still in the city.

The prepared for their traveling and the Baron asked that they take his nephew Tallon as his offical representative. They bought some mounts and got on their way. It would be a seven day journey to the mine. During that time they ran into a band of orcs, a group of "bandits", a fortune teller/merchant dressed in a purple robe, a massive rainstorm that flooded some of the road, and lastly a group of blocked switchbacks that they had to climb down in order to pass. During the switchback climbing they set up an elaborate scheme to "save" Tallon's life. They frayed part of the rope and caught him before he fell. Their plan was to befriend him in order to have him claim the mine and give the title to the Bokkens so they could sell it back. Upon arriving at the mine they were in fact the first ones there and Tallon laid claim but during the trip back he did cede the claim to the Bokkens.

They started their travel back to Inkonai and had no incident on the way back. When they got there they talked with the Baron and he was quite furious. But being a man of honor he gave the reward he promised for completion of the mission. He then told them to leave and that if they ever crossed paths again it would be a good time. The group went back to Don's to inform Valoria of the mission. She said that they would give first preference to the Crale family for purchase of the mine. They inquired about Sir Roger and learned that he had already left for the region he was tasked with exploring but had not been heard from in quite a bit of time.

Rewards Granted

The heroes were promised 1000gp and a bag of holding each should they complete the mission. While they did complete in their own way Baron Crale honored the arangement for technically accomplishing the mission and gave them the gold and reward.

Missions/Quests Completed

They acquired a title for a Weystone mine for the Bokkens with the intent of selling it to the highest bidder and thereby make more money. While the mission was not compltely the way the Baron intended he praise their work to the other Coins of Inkonai.

Sir Roger Talman

by MidJourney

Baron Eisen Crale, 4th Coin of Inkonai

by MidJourney
Report Date
14 May 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Plots
Related Characters

Cover image: by MidJourney


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