Session 1.4 Report in Zennith | World Anvil
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Session 1.4

General Summary

Everyone was called to Don's Dumplings by Valoria. She let them know that Banished and Amber were on other assignments at the moment. She stated she had several points to discuss with them. First and foremost they were adding a member to their group. A sea Dwarf named Ronan had been looking for employment here in Inkonai after leaving the sailor life for a bit. He had some connections with the Bokkens that promised good and financially stable employment. After the introductions Valoria came to the second point she had for them. There was a cave system that Bo Shin had scouted out for a possible safehouse in the wilds. It was just off the main road to not be a point of interest for patrols. While at the same time it had access to resources and paths to get people there safely and to Inkonai in a quick manner. She informed them that this was not an imminent assignment but something they could complete in a relatively longer time frame.

Upon further discussion the group decided that it wanted to check in on Sir Roger of the Wilderness Knights. After talking to the representative there they discovered that Sir Roger had gone out for the mission he was recuriting them for earlier this week. They had not heard from him in about seven days. With that info the group decided to go after and search for him, fearing he may be in trouble. They visited the local stable, Trixie's Stables. There a Gnome names Trixie ran a stable selling horses, and some other mounts as well. They bought horses and supplies for everyone in order to ride to this area that Sir Roger was in. With that they began their journey and moved out.

After three days of travel they arrive at the original meeting spot. They are able to find evidence of a camp made here in the last couple days. Through their investigation a trail is found that is most likely Sir Roger's. They follow this trail. Along the way they are actually able to find natural resources and places that would be very beneficial for a settlement to go up in this area. Through their tracing they find a river that seems to be teeming with wildlife of all sorts. However may not be the best place to settle directly near as their is evidence of flooding. They come through a forested area in their rescue attempt. There the heroes find a forest filled with old and new growth, great for buildings and continual use of the forest without disturbing the natural habitat hugely. Through this area they discover that Sir Roger's trail took a turn and they soon found out why. Up ahead were a couple of Ogres sitting around a campfire. Unfortunately they were not as stealthy as they would like and the Ogres attacked. A few were downed and an illusion of the dawn approaching sent the others running for the hills.

The next area they pass through has a lot more rolling hills both grass and rock topped. Throughout this area there are many caves and open areas just from casual observation show potential for good mining opportunities. Not only do they find basic ores for construction but there is a small mine of precious gems as well found. Continuing on they find themselves in a very dark and old forest. It is impossible to see beyond the trail they are currently on and it feels dark and old. Coming up on a clearing of sort there is a thicket of thick brambles and thorns. It makes a complete circle and cannot be seen through. The adventurers move through the brush to find in the center a Elf woman around a cauldron. There tied to a post in the middle is Sir Roger. They also see shadows moving around in the dark. Upon closer inspection they discover these are skeletons and the Elf is most likely a Necromancer with nefarious intent for Sir Roger. With all haste they attack the Elf. She brings her skeletons upon them and the battle is fierce. In the end they are victorious and the Elf is slain. The free Sir Roger who is eternally grateful to them. With that they head back to Inkonai. Upon arrival Sir Roger brings them to the Wilderness Knights Guild Hall and pays them for what they discovered plus his share for their rescue of him. He says that they will always have a friend in the Wilderness Knights.

Rewards Granted

Adventures gained level 3 Initial amount of gold, plus extra for resources discovered, and Sir Roger's share A friend and ally of Sir Roger in the Wilderness Knights

Missions/Quests Completed

Completed scouting the settlement area for Wilderness Knights Rescued Sir Roger
by MidJourney
Trixie, Gnome stable owner of Trixie's Stables in Inkonai
by MidJourney
Elf Necromancer holding Sir Roger captive
Report Date
28 May 2022
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Cover image: by MidJourney


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