Session 1.5 Report in Zennith | World Anvil
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Session 1.5

General Summary

Valoria wanted to meet with them after returning from rescuing Sir Roger. She congratulated them and thanked them for following up on that lead. Banished and Amber had returned from their other work and were ready to join the group once again. At this time the only assignment Valoria had for them was to clear out that cave so the Bokkens could build a safehouse there. She also let them know that so far at this point no one had bought the mine yet, although there were many prospects. After talking with Valoria they made the rounds to stock up for their next mission. Hadarai picked up his new weapon from Tian, who had enchanted it for him. Banished also dropped off his honey pot to Tian to hopefully make a helm of some sort out of it. Tian said that he would do what he could and to stop back in about a week. With that they began on their journey by leaving Inkonai.

On their travel they almost immidietly ran into a group of soliders limping back from a battle to Inkonai. The group asked them what had happened. They described a heated battle between Republican Army forces and a large group of very organized Hobgoblins. The Hobgoblins seemed to be the largest force and most agressive they had ever encountered. The army was flying a flag with a profile of a rhino shaded in black on it. It seemed as though the Rhino was gaining momentum, whoever they were. Something to keep an eye on as they moved forward. Coming into the area of the cave they literally stumbled upon a Troll. He demanded 1000gp or a magic item to let them cross. The group tried to reason with him but he was having none of it and attacked them. During the first they were able to trick him into thinking that the sun was coming up and he ran in fear of turning to stone. They then proceeded to the cave to see what it had in store for them.

Venturing through the cave they came upon several different rooms. One contained a set of tracks that Ronan was able to discern were feline in nature. Beyond that couldn't figure it out, as their stride was very abnormal and in strange lengths in random periods. The next room they discovered a stash that had obviously been here before the current occupants. There they find 10 bottles of rather expensive liquor they could sell for a very decent price. Continuing on they discover a living area. Very rudimentary in nature and also found a journal amongst the belongings. Inside it talks about the author coming here and finding a beast. At first they were terrified of the beast but soon began to feed and help it survive. The ending entries speak of them serving the beast now and it is it's master because of its power and ferocity. The last room they came to was a very large cavern in which they discovered two displacer beasts. The creatures immedietly attacked them and a fight ensued. After a bit of time they were able to kill the two creatures. Banished then skinned each one not wanting to waste an animal to nature. He was able to get two displacer hides. After that at the entrance to the cave they met the man responsible for the journal. He was very upset and quite mad. However knowing he couldn't win against them he jumped to the river below and flew from them. They then began the journey back to Inkonai.

Back in Inkonai they reported to Valoria and got their payout. Wojtek then visited Aaron Sun and asked about the ten bottles of liquor. They came to an arrangement that he would find sellers for 9 of the bottles at 1000gp and could but the tenth one himself for 500gp. Banished visited Tian and got his honey pot helm which Tian was very proud of. He was able to infuse the properties of Adamantine into the helm itself. Along with that Tian agreed to help Banished learn how to make Displacer cloaks from the two hides he had brought back. After all that they went to the Republican Army barracks in Inknoair to ask about this Rhino character. There they met Sergeant Kelyvin who spoke with them. It seemed as though this Rhino character was summoning an army to him. And the very strange thing was that it seemed to be entirely composed of monstrous races. There were injustices here and the Rhino was using his amazing Charisma in order to make this issues larger and more important then they might have been otherwise. They told Kelyvin they would keep their eye out and any information they found to him. He appreciated that and said would do what he could on his end as well.

Rewards Granted

Gained 400gp from the Bokkens for completing the mission. Gained a number of potions and magic items from the save iteself 10 bottles of expensive liquor. Banished obtained his Honey Pot Helm Two displacer cloaks which were given to Hadarai and Wojtek

Missions/Quests Completed

Completed clearing out the cave system for a safehouse for the Bokkens Begain learning and building an investigation of the Rhino
by MidJourney
Mad man discovered helping the displacer beasts in the cave
by MidJourney
Sergeant Kelyvin of the Republican Army
Report Date
29 May 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Cover image: by MidJourney


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