Session 1.7 Report in Zennith | World Anvil
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Session 1.7

General Summary

The next day the group was able to meet with the Governor of the region. Inkonai is the capital of the area and he had been there for a couple of weeks due to the increased military movements. His name, known throughout the region, is Sho-Han Ti. In their meeting they were able to tell him about what the Rhino had said and what they had seen. He informed them that they knew an battle was coming, but nothing compared to what was actually coming. He thanked them for the information and asked if they could do a couple more favors. There were some factions inside the city that needed help preparing for the siege coming up. He gave them a list of who they could talk to in order to help, and most likely they would give them a benefit for helping out. And ultimately it would help to prepare them for the siege. The heroes agreed they would talk to the different factions and try to help them out to the best of their ability. The factions he suggested were the Arcane Tower, Roaring Wave Martial Arts. The Coins, Merchants' Federation, Silver Order, and the Justice Paladins. Hadarai also went to talk to the Black Lotus assassins and the Viper's Fang martial arts club.

Before they all went out to help each group separately they were able to help the Coins. The Governor wanted them to work with the coins to use one of their buildings. It was a large mainly unused warehouse that was a central location. He hoped it could be converted into a battle hospital inside the city. They talked with the owner of the building, a member of the Coins. After some promises made and guarentees they were able to convince them to let the building to be used as a battle hospital.

Hadarai used his prior contacts with some more shady elements. With that he first visited the Vipers Fang. The Viper's Fang is a martial arts club that is less known and believes in brutal force. They aren't as open about their methods and recruitment. Talking with them Hadarai discovered that they were planning on helping with defending with the [Zhen Gho Republican Army] . After that he continued on to talk with Black Lotus assassins. There he inquired about what they had heard and were planning for the siege. In non-specific terms they said they would be helping from the shadows. However, they did inform Hadarai that there had been some unusual activity. They suspected a spy sending information back to the Rhino but they hadn't identified who it was yet. With the remainder of his time Hadarai took time to investigate and inspect the wall for any passages that could be used. He didn't find any sign of a way for invaders to get into the city besides the main gates. He decided that he would seek out Ambe after he completed his recon of the wall.

Amber decided that she would see what she could do for the Arcane Tower. There she met with the Archmage. The Archmage informed Amber that around the city were several arcane pillars that could be used in help defense of the city. She would need to activate the pillars and most likely get rid of any threats away from them. Amber got a map from the Tower and grabbed Bomb and Badil to help her activate these pillars. She began going through the different pillars and getting them activated by infusing some of her magic into them. We leave Amber as she, Bomb, and Badil are facing a group of rabid rats at their nest near the pillar.

Wojtek went to the Justice Paladins to see what they needed. Talking with the Chapter Master in Inkonai he discovered that a number of their senior members and best fighters had not returned from a previous mission. They asked that Wojtek would look into their last location and job and see if there would be any evidence. With that Wojtek went to find Lolmac and ask for his assistance. The Dwarf samurai was more than willing to help out. They headed out of the city and to the last known location of the Paladins who had went out on the job. After some tracking Wojtek and Lolmac were able to find the Paladins. However there was a problem, a Gauth had ambushed them and was feeding off them slowly. Wojtek engaged the Gauth while Lolmac began to heal the Paladins enough to get them moving.

Banished decided to help the Roaring Waves martial arts club. He learned there that their grandmaster had been poisoned. They were still alive right now but no one had been able to get all the ingredients to the antidote. With that Banished asked Aaron Sun about having the needed items for the antidote. He knew what they would need to get and where it could be acquired. With that Banished sought out Akiya. She agreed to help Banished in finding the ingredients for the antidote. They traveled out from Inkonai and were able to harvest the first ingredient rather easily. The next stop was a certain flower that only grew in a specific orchard. They came to the orchard, and upon trying to enter, were greeted by a witch who protected the orchard. We leave them with the witch giving her a stern warning about not taking any apples from the orchard.

Wojtek, Lolmac, Banished, and Akiya decided that after completing their missions they would meet together to help the carvan the Coins wanted to make sure got into the city. They agreed they would meet some of the Silver Knights there to give them some experience fighting before the siege. With that we leave our adventurers in the midst of peril and not knowing what would happen. We would have to wait until next time to see how they would survive and if they would be able to help Inkonai bolster up enough to withstand the siege from the Rhino.

Character(s) interacted with

One of the Coins Master of the Roaring Waves Justice Paladin Leader Silver Order Knight Member of Merchant Federation Arcane Tower Master
Report Date
22 Jun 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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by MidJourney
The Black Lotus Assassins within Inkonai
by MidJourney
An Arcane pillar that Amber was looking for to activate.
by MidJourney
The Gauth holding the Justice Paladins hostage
by MidJourney
The Witch guarding the orchard outside of Inkonai

Cover image: by MidJourney


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