Session 1.8 Report in Zennith | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 1.8

General Summary

We last left our heroes as they were amidst battles, negotiations, and getting to the next job they had. Amber was working with Bomb and Badil to activate the remaining pillars around the wall of Inkonai. Wojtekand Lolmac had ventured outside the walls to rescue some Justice Paladins and ran into a Gauth. Hadarai had just finished his recon of the outer wall and was looking to meet up with Amber. Lastly Banished and Akiya had sought out the ingredients for a antidote and were not talking with a witch protecting a orchard. The clock was ticking down as they went to complete these jobs for the factions to help support Inkonai in the coming siege.

As Amber, Bomb and Badil faced down the rat swarm in the pillar room things were not looking too good. They were getting overwhelmed and none of Amber's spells seemed to be able to connect. Then at a critical moment Hadarai was able to step in and turn the tide of the battle. He was slashing rats left and right and was able to inspire his comrades around him and they successfully killed the swarm and Amber activated the pillar. With his help Amber and Hadarai led the others to the remaining pillars and were able to activate them with no problem. With those pillars activated the city would have a magical shield protecting it from some damage, a way to cast some hard hitting spells at attacking forces, as well as some tricks that the defending forces would be able to use to great benefit. The Arcane Tower was very grateful and explained to Amber how to use the pillars when the time would come.

Wojtek and Lolmac find themselves in a heated battle with a Gauth, the distant cousin of a beholder. Wojtek took on the Gauth by himself and directed Lolmac to get the Paladins up and moving out of danger. As the battle raged on the Gauth shot out ray after ray from its eye stalks. While some affected Wojtek, most he was able to push right through. After a bit more time Wojtek was able to claim victory over the Gauth. The bandaged up the remaining Paladins and told them they couldn't return to Inkonai just yet. They had agreed previously to meet up with Banished and Akiya to escort the Merchant's Federation caravan safely into Inkonai. After a short rest they began their travel there.

Upon meeting the witch at the Orchard she gives one warning to Banished and Akiya. They can search for the herb they want and take it. She has no problem with that. However if they take any of her apples she will kill them for that. They both agree to the terms and enter the orchard. As they are walking through each is being tempted by the apples. They look so delicious and they can both tell they would be just what they need to refresh from their journey. After they find the herb they are looking for and get it Akiya can no longer contain herself and grabs an apple and takes a bite. Almost immediately the witch appears and summons two large spiders to attack them. Banished and Akiya decide that running is the best option here and dodging some web attacks from the spiders they clear the orchard and on to meet up with Wojtek and Lolmac.

Once Banished and Akiya made it to the rendezvous point they met up with Wojtek and Lolmac. They found the caravan and took up positions. They decided that Lolmac and Akiya would take the front and the other two would take up the rear. About halfway to Inkonai there was movement all around them. When the enemies cleared the long grass they saw a group of minotaurs coming after the caravan. Lolmac and Akiya took up to the front where a larger group was forming. The Silver Knights with Wojtek and Banished began to take on some of the attackers. Then Wojtek and Banished started to systematically take on each minotaur. All during the fight they could hear Lolmac shouting in battle and Akiya roaring as different creatures. With the minotaurs starting to retreat the heroes and the Silver Knights began to mop up the battle. The rest of the time to Inkonai there was no problem at all.

The group finally reunited in Inkonai as Wojtek and Banished brought in the caravan and met up with Hadarai and Amber. They began to discuss what they had completed and gotten done over the course of the day. While they were talking Wojtek noticed something at the edge of his vision. There was a flicker of a goblinoid watching them. He seemed very interested in them specifically. After Wojtek looked he saw a bit of clothe go around a corner. Wojtek and the others went to check out the alley. Coming to the end of they alley they could find no sign of the goblin that had been watching them. With that they went to the respective factions and reported their successes. The Justice Paladins were very happy to have their knights back. The Silver Knights had some good experience for their soldiers and would use it to train. The Merchants Federation were very happy to get their supplies to support the Zhen Gho Republican Army. Banished was able to bring the cure to the Roaring Waves and cure their Grandmaster so she could lead them during the siege. With all that they prepared with the Bokkens and kept their eye out for a spy behind the walls and waited for The Rhino to bring his force to bear.

Rewards Granted

The Arcane Tower gave our heroes the way in which to activate the pillars during the siege. The Justice Paladins got their higher members back and have promised to give their full aid. The Silver Knights were grateful and got everyone weapons silvered. The Roaring Waves gave them training in martial arts so everyone deals 1d6 as unarmed damage The Merchants Federation gave each person a number of healing potions The Coins offered medics that would be on the walls to help heal as the battle would go on

Missions/Quests Completed

The heroes were able to complete all the missions for all the factions within Inkonai to help boost their chances of fending off the siege coming up.
Report Date
07 Aug 2023
Primary Location
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by MidJourney
The rat swarm guarding the arcane pillar
by MidJourney
The Witch's spiders chasing Banished and Akiya
by MidJourney
A Silver Knight preparing for battle

Cover image: by MidJourney


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