Chyçurish Species in Zestarnae Syndicate | World Anvil
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The dominant species on Tantsuy, the Chyçurish is a species that values the intellectual. Researchers, developers, scientists, the Chyçurish also value themselves as collectors. With a preference to focus on the academic, the Chyçurish have adopted several other species under their banner to serve the other functions of their society.  

Adopted Species

Termed 'slave-races' by some of the other societies in the galaxy, the Chyçurish find species that are near-collapse and offer them their services. The contract always offers Chyçurish help through their advanced technology and research, in exchange for infinite servitude by the adopted species.

Notable adopted species include:
Ponks - small, pink and purple furred species that act as messengers for the Chyçurish due to their ability to teleport themselves and whatever they can carry. The ponks are a pacifist species that were nearly wiped out by their neighbours when the Chyçurish offered them refuge.
Keraza - a lithe, lizard-folk race of architects that design Chyçurish cities. Keraza's home planet was about to be destroyed by the implosion of a nearby inhabited star when the Chyçurish offered them their eternal contract.
Aeissy - a short, stocky race of aliens originating from the now-uninhabited planet of Auskaormy. Aeissy individuals run the 'hospitality' functions of Tantsuy's major cities. 
Htckik - this insectoid species has expertise in the underground, in minerals, precious metals, and other materials. After their adoption by the Chyçurish they now run the mines of Tanstuy.


All Chyçurish individuals contain both reproductive organs, although only one is viable at any given time. Hormonal fluctuations determine which organs become viable, although Chyçurish scientists intervene in the reproductive processes of every individual. By default, most Chyçurish citizens are rendered infertile via medication, and only request to remove themselves from the cycle when they have calculated the most ideal time and partner with which to reproduce.  


All Chyçurish adults are connected to a database known as The Codex that constantly calculates their genetic compatibility. Compatibility covers both reproductive compatibility, as well as genetic markers that pre-determine personality types. Chyçurish have long since discovered that the line between nature and nuture is thin and that their genetic code is constantly fluctuating, able to tell them about more than just the physical, but also predispositions for the mental. Through a computer chip embedded into their brain, Chyçurish citizens are constantly connected to the database.  

Every morning, the Codex publishes the Compatibility Report a full list of the citizens compatibility with others as well as highlighting any statistically significant changes in the report. When two citizens are found to have a compatibility of over 80% with one another, the Chyçurish are considered 'Compatible' with one another. A rare thing that virtually assures happiness between the individuals. This is greater than that of a husband and wife bond, and is considered near-sacred to a species that has no need for religion. Chyçurish refer to another with 80% or greater compatibility with them as My Compatible.   In recent times, species other than Chyçurish have been added to the Codex. Notably, the Chy (not a different species at all, but a different caste of the Chyçurish), the Keraza, the Aeissy, and the Htckik.  


The Keraza have been a part of Chyçurish culture for a long time, one of the Chyçurish's first adopted races. As such, design considered to be 'Chyçurish' is actually all by Kerazan hands. They are one and the same at this point.   The capital city of Mba Jukfi is one of the Chyçurish's shining accomplishments. A towering city of shining silver, all glass and metal, with strategically designed streets in efficient, grid-like patterns. It's inside Chyçurish homes where the Kerazan eye for beauty shines. Gilded frames, stained glass, ornamental figures, motifs, the image of opulence.

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Dec 4, 2023 09:28

I like getting to see write up of things I've read about. Gives depth and layers. Also feels all official when it's here. :3 Looking forward to more writings with them.

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