A small, high humidity planet located in the Xissael solar system, Quelati galaxy inside the Virgo supercluster that would come to be known as Zestarnae upon creation of the intergalactic organisation known as the Syndicate of Allied Parties (or SAP as it is unaffectionately known).
Populated vastly by two primary ecosystems, Tantsuy is mostly swamp or jungle, highly tree dense, humid areas, with a scattering of soft grassland otherwise defined as mid-marsh, connecting the spaces with little to no tree cover.
An oxygen-rich planet, the native species on Tantsuy often require additional accommodations when travelling off-planet. The Chyçurish, the dominant Tantsuy native species, are famous for their invention of portable, embeddable, oxygenators. These oxygenators are small computerised devices about 1 square centimetre in size, with the ability to convert almost any gaseous substance into the appropriately programmed form providing the appropriate particles directly into the bloodstream of the individual. Those without bloodstreams are unable to benefit from this particular Chyçurish invention. Although the Chyçurish would certainly not be opposed to designing a similar device for other biologically designed species, for a price, of course.
30% Chyçurish - dominant
30% Chy - a sub-species of Chyçurish
5% Waheya - a tribal, primitive species occupying Tantsuy's jungles Introduced species:
10% Keraza
7% Htckik
5% Aeissy
3% Ponk
10% an amalgamation of 13 other 'slave races' owned by the Chyçurish - Angwet, Hatd, Rhoil
Humidity: 70% - 98% Temperature: 303K - 308KMba Jukfi
Between the damp natural environments, towering silver cities dot the landscape. The capital city of Mba Jukfi is a shining example of Chyçurish architecture. Located on the northwest side of the planet's primary land mass, Mba Jufki houses the vast majority of the planet's population.Denizens
Native species:30% Chyçurish - dominant
30% Chy - a sub-species of Chyçurish
5% Waheya - a tribal, primitive species occupying Tantsuy's jungles Introduced species:
10% Keraza
7% Htckik
5% Aeissy
3% Ponk
10% an amalgamation of 13 other 'slave races' owned by the Chyçurish - Angwet, Hatd, Rhoil
Included Locations
Related Tradition (Primary)
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I like getting to read about new planets :3 Watching the Chycurish universe expand is lovely.