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North Elerene, Tourbillion kingdom

North Elerene, Tourbillon

The Tourbillion region has sweeping hills and grassy plains, and high winds, and weather is perfect the region always appear to be in spring.




the nation of perpetual spring seems to be always plentiful, but never in over abundance, the ecosystem is always in balance like clockwork.

Ecosystem Cycles

There is no winter or fall which means no hibernation, only spring exist in this region, however mating season exist but isn't constant for whatever reason there is never and overpopulation of people or animals. the weather is always between 70 and 75 degrees during the day and nights only gets as low as 67 degrees.

Localized Phenomena

Region of perpetual spring, the temperate grasslands climate of the Tourbillon, means that there is normally a dry and rainy season, but it never floods or has long periods of drought, its always a perfect amount

Fauna & Flora

Natural flora

small herbs grass, flowers   

Natural fauna

 predators: coyotes, wolves, bobcats,  Prey: rabbits, small birds, wild horses,  

Farming flora

apples, grapes, oranges, cabbages, carrots, lettuce  

Farming fauna 

dogs, cattle, sheep, pigs, goats,

Natural Resources

grain, fruit, milk, furs, fish, textile, wine
Included Locations
Characters in Location


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