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Zolteer Graseth

emperor/ Overlord Zolteer Giyas Graseth (a.k.a. the Crimson meteor)

Zolteer Graseth, 24th Overlord of the Xeran empire a Viscous, intelligent, red dragonborn,

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

muscularly built dragonborn woman,

Body Features

several scars across her chest and back, one prominent one on her abdomen, and her tail with gnarled and cut  in several places

Facial Features

Long snout a light scar from her neck across her mouth,  to large horns sitting in the back of her  one  which looks cut off

Identifying Characteristics

missing horn,  scared mouth, gnarled,

Special abilities

Paladin of Conquest

Apparel & Accessories

Xeran overlord armor or regalia

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zolteer born a slave, her family line being from Lucia, they were often placed in the gladiator pits, for the amusement of Imperials, while her family resented and bore a deep hate for the empire, Zolteer was no different, she was determined to get gain her freedom to take down the Xeran empire from within and to that end strived to  win every bout she entered. This led her to being noticed by a cleric of As-iz-la, Wergus Stoneflail dwarf who had admired the woman's strength and drive. Zolteer had won her one hundred bouts at the young age of fifteen, and earned the rite of Standing, Wergus was the one to approach her for apprenticeship in the clergy. Zolteer resented him, but saw her way to fight the empire so she obliged. In the Clergy she learned not only about the Xeran empire but also the As-iz-la what they represented. After learning about the nations history with the fire giants, her resolve to bring down empire began to waiver.    Her perception of the Empire began shift what once seen as evil, began to make since, especially since told about the other countries and nations function, the idea of beggars and thieves or nobility, getting things that didn't earn in Zolteer's eyes Xeran logic was flawless, she began to worship Az-is-la in earnest, and she eventually swore an oath of Conquest to him, starting her military career. Zolteer took to battlefield like fish to water her experience surviving as a gladiator, saw her through most of her victories. there were some differences that needed to adjust to for one, having comrades fighting beside her, and that anywhere can be battlefield. She started to take delight in the glory of battle and her comrades morale improved just by having her around. When fighting started she one leading the charge, earning her the nickname the crimson meteor. This also resulted in her rise in the ranks eventually getting to a position of leadership. Which is were problems started to arise, Zolteer was a excellent fighter, however she was not a strategist. The Xeran empire for the past 20 years have been focused on holding Western Zell Zolteer didn't understand why, and proceeded to push into for invading Eastern Zell without understanding the finer points of staging an invasion. To her credit  she managed get pretty far in, however, she lost many of her men in her invasions and was beaten back several times. The lost so many men that she nearly considered a traitor to the empire for her foolhardiness.  However thanks to Wergus, her surviving soldiers, and her peers in the clergy, the tribunal was convinced that she trying to this for good of the empire and was misguided. The tribunal instead of stripping her of her rank and having her killed, instead had her study under a another officer as well as explain why the empire was merely holding Western Zell and not taking the entire country.    Captain Chase Thornside, was a known tactian in the empire, and Zolteer wasn't not keen on this individual, she found to be cowardly in his instead of fighting the enemy head on he would often rely on underhanded methods to keep his enemies in check. Her opinion of him changed when she saw yehou attempt an major offensive to push back the Xeran empire, and he merely retreated, again and again infuriating her to no end, he stopped when made it to small fort just outside the line canyon separated the west and east. Just when Zolteer was at her boiling point, as was ready to charge the enemy, the empire had completed a encircling movement and capture the invading force and moved back to canyon to defend. Since then Zolteer, saw the value in having mental strength as well as physical, she started to play games of intelligence and strategy, it was struggle at first but began to master it.  
Zolteer experience on the battlefield, was famed using tactics she would bait foes and encircle them capturing many enemy combatants. Eventually the time for a new overlord came and Zolteer earned right of challenge and defeated him becoming the new overlord of Xer.

Gender Identity





Xeran imperial training, and clerical training


Formerly military, currently leader of nation

Accomplishments & Achievements

Earned her rite of Standing, has meteoric rise in her military career, several decisive victories in Zell,

Failures & Embarrassments

Attempted to push in to Zell territory several times only to defeated, almost was stripped of her rank.

Mental Trauma

potentially indoctrinated into current religion

Intellectual Characteristics

Has a tactical mind of built for fighting, and war, will use a gameboard, to analyze enemy tactics.

Morality & Philosophy

Subjugation is the punishment of the weak, and ruling is the responsibility of the strong,


surrender, pity, charity, favortism

Personality Characteristics


to carry on the will Az-is-la, and begin the crusades anew

Savvies & Ineptitudes


  she is excellent tactician, and fighter from being on the front lines on the rebellion, has a lot knowledge on foreign army tactics and strategies   


she is terrible at logistics, commerce and matters concerning the arcane

Likes & Dislikes


strength, warriors, war, gladiator fights, the color red, rare beef steak, dragons, contest of strength,  


pacifism, math, cowards, traitors, reading, the color pink, salads, parties  


Virtues & Personality perks

has a strong foundation in Meritocracy and has no  discriminations toward race, gender, etc. belives in fairness in war, has a strong sense of honor and responsibility.

Vices & Personality flaws

Craves battles and bloodshed, is sadomasochistic.

Personality Quirks

has a voice like gravel.


is very clean and orderly,


Family Ties

Has been disconnected from her family since her rite of standing

Religious Views

is a firm believer of Az-is-la, and tolerates Terian, shaal, despises Jubilues,  allunee, Muzet, and Aeli

Social Aptitude

Exudes confidence and control, in every action has to seen taking charge and talking from a position of strength

Hobbies & Pets


Fighting, playing strategy games,  


a warhorse name Arytiss


deep gravely voice, accent is a blend of Xian Xeran, insult attacks on character flaws and physical capabilities greeting and farewells has to initiated by the her, will compliment those who have strength and are great fighters or brilliant strategist.

Wealth & Financial state

high amount of resources and wealth
Lawful evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
11th of Marchen, 3e 965
Current Residence
yellow slitted eyes like a lizard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red scales
Quotes & Catchphrases
When you walk through imperial territories what do you see? Do see beggars groveling for your hard earned coin or thieves and vagrants threatening the populace for riches they don't deserve? Do you see nobility living lofty lives on the backs of those who have worked til their hands bleed? Do you see the people in power benefiting from nepotism? No you don't and will not our God Az-is-la will not tolerate it, he makes certain that power is only given to those who are worthy who are strong.  Welcome to the Xeran Empire
People of  the great Xeran empire look upon me, who was once a slave now your overlord, worry not for am I not spiteful of my upbringing but grateful and humbled. I fought in this very arena, for one hundred bouts I survived, and earned my freedom. Then in service to the great conquerer Az-is-la and empire I became a soldier to smite our enemies. The wounds I carry are proof of that, a mark of survival, of loss and  of mistakes made and learned from. I Zolteer Graseth promise this the Xeran empire will have victory! Zolteer address the Xeran empire   
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
draconic, common, giant, orcish


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