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Xeran empire (zer an)

The Xer empire, prides itself on meritocracy, as a result has a heavy darwinism in the country. the empire is very much militocracy priding itself on conquest for their god Asiz


Zeran Culture has a military environment to the point where every citizen can be consider a soldier, out the main Zeran army, navy and intelligence, most in the fatherland are dedication to making supplies and logistical support. Slave labor belongs to state and are used for menial tasks and hard labor, Slaves consist of peoples brought in from conquered territories or criminals. For entertainment Zerans  have pit fighting in the coliseum, plays and song and dances , and after territory is conquered a banquet is usually held.

Public Agenda

To unite the world through strength


mythril, gold, silver, iron, copper, electrum, warships, horses, forts, spies,


Xer before the Xeran empire was once ruled by fire giants they were at war with Xia. the Fire giant worshipped the As-is-la, who was disappointed fire giants who were blessed with strength weren't expanding quickly enough they remained content with the continent they had. It was said that goliath slave named Aukan heard the voice As-is-la telling him rise up, and on that very day meteor struck the continent, it was heavy heavier than any metal ever known in Zestria, And the Fire giant forced the their slaves to haul to Mount Kyien a massive volcano located in the center of the continent, the many slaves including Aukan were force to melt down this meteor, in Fires of Mount Kyien, and it was their that Aukan received a vision of an obsidian hammer, and was told to forge it. Aukan seeing as divine prophecy naturally forge the weapon, the process of forging this was arduous but when it was completed, Aukan wielded it he stuck down the fire giants and started a violent rebellion.     the Fire giants where caught between the Taizu and Xia and a quickly swelling rebellion at home. the slaves managed to craft more weapons and armor, using swarm tactics as they outnumbered the Fire giants 20 to 1, not to say that there weren't casualties for the slaves. However once the enslaved realized the power they held it impossible to stop, and Fire giants realized that as well the fact As-is-la had abandoned them, they fled to the elemental plane fire and the underdark. Which pushed the continent into a new age for a while the liberated slaves formed clans and then tribes and later small countries, all following the same logic of strongest ruling, which led to theses countries fighting for supremacy, over the continent.       One country rose above all others the country of the Xer, which conquered all other nation and brought them together. Xer still following the guidance of As-is-la, sought topit its strength against the world, soon began, the War of the just, as Xer moved to it's neighboring country, of Xia and Conquered it swiftly. The Xians never faced such a ferocious foe, it wasn't numbers or weapons, but how quickly the Xerian empire adapted to Xians tactics and traditions, and they were overwhelm. The Xerian empire didn't stop there, they then set their sights on the Taizu kingdom on Zell, Which also fell, as did the Lorie Archipelago, the Xerian war machine. One of the few nations to give them a difficult fight was Lucia, Who fought the empire ferociously. Alas after a long fought campaign the Lucia along with Southern Elerene fell. However this fight opened a weaknesses into the Xer empire.   The Xer empire continued to march on invade North Elerene, however after enslaving a noble from tourbillon, the Xer empire weakness showed itself with their rapid invasion spread thier forces to thin even small rebellions were giving the young country trouble. Enough were they to completely organize they would decimated the Empire's forces. It just so happened that Tourbillian Noble that the had kidnapped was the son of a diplomat, the Aasimar, Emile Corneu. Emile was wise as he was patient he waited and bided his time for freedom he spent this talking to other slaves, and organizing more large scale rebellions. Soon Xer realized that had the same problems as the Fire giant predecessors, and had fight between Tourbillon and the ever swelling rebellions that were now fighting a singular force. the empire embarrassingly had to retreat back time and time again as were unable to hold on the territories, until they were pushed back into Western Zell determined not lose the continent.   However the Xer empire did what it does best, they learned, and adapted, Emile had taught them patience is virtue, and that not every battle is fought with swords. Soon the Worship of Shaal became more prominent in the fatherland of Kynast. Xer became more keen to gather information and allies, whilst holding on the Western Zell, fighting the both the Xia and the Taizu kingdoms, all the while waiting for the opportunity to strike out again.

Demography and Population

With the Xer empire occupying Xia, the population remaining is 4,000 people to about 10,000 Xerians about 6,000 are in the fatherland, as well many other races from Previously conquered countries  .


Territory held: Xia (assimilation) Xer (homeland)


the Imperial army- forces that fight foreign enemies on the ground   the imperial navy,- forces that foreign enemies at sea The Imperial mages court- forces that deal with magical affairs  The imperial clergy,- forces that deal with religious heresy Imperial Intelligence- forces that use espionage political or commercial Imperial Guard- force that fight domestic threats.

Technological Level

Technological advancements for Xer have always been swift since the country strives for perfection, this led to the creation of trains and Vorpal ships recent developments which has given Xerian an edge in speed and supply created by magic engineering due to the office arcane affairs as far weaponry Xerian research is trying replicate the effects of magic through machinery and alchemy, rumors of trying make a immortal soldiers through such a process.


The church of Chains is the major religion of the empire, a mixed worship of As-iz-la and Shaal, that preaches a heavy Darwinism to it's followers.    Banned or heretical gods are: Terian Allunee Jubileus/Jubilee Glimmer Solamere,   Taboo's of Society: Showing mercy, nepotism, favoritism, prejudice, toward another is heresy   making Excuses, vagrancy,

Agriculture & Industry

Industries                                                                                                                                                              Mithril production, steel production, whaling, horse breeding, Extensive husbandry,   Agriculture: Xer- xerian agriculture consist of mostly root Vegetation, as not many plant would survive on continent's harsh environment. Xian, territory-  rice, wheat, potatoes, tomato, sorghum, peanuts, tea, millet, barley, cotton, oilseed, corn and soybeans

Trade & Transport

Trade with Xer is primarily over seas, with trade routes extending  across the Lyre Ocean, primarily trading with Ixis. there also  trade routes that extend to the underdark, the vents and Forge area.


Education in Xer comes in two parts for citizens, basic education provided by the state and apprenticeship granted by  those who have a profession. slaves are consider property until their Day of Standing, after which they can seek out Apprenticeship.


Xerian infrastructure is very advance due tireless slave labor and the hyper-competitive state of Xerian Society, Aqueducts and Reservoirs to deliver water were it's necessary, sewer systems to keep waste from polluting the water ways. roads that stretch across the continent in between port towns and forts all fortified with walls and guard towers, not to mention the city which a bustling with Xerian architecture, with horseshoe, and polylobed arches, domed buildings with swirling lava designs, travel is mostly down with vorpal ships and and the railway system that sends supplies and people across the Continent at swift speeds.

Mythology & Lore

myth of the missing Hammer of Oppression- the hammer that Aukan used to free Xer from tyranny disappeared when he died legends say it will appear to those that are worthy to wield it.

Divine Origins

The widespread worship of As-is-la came about with Aukan, and the previous culture of the of fire giants that enslaved them. While the the worship of Shaal followed with the end of the Xerian Crusades.

Tenets of Faith

Xerian religion is tied strongly to the government and military, and the tenets of which are as follows   1. always negotiate from a position of strength 2. subjugation is the punishment of the weak, to rule is responsibility of the strong 3. Accept surrender when given, Retreat is the path of Cowardice.   Xerian religion also include the following Shaal which spies and assassins observe   1. Be loyal only to one's self or purpose, to avoid inevitable betrayal.


Strength does not refer the physical but the mental, so thing such a intelligence, charisma, and wisdom are taken into account, so if one is clever enough to skirt law and get away with it is still follows the tenets


the Act of conquest and battle is consider Worship, praying to him or his shrine  before a battle.\ as well  the blood-tithe in which several lives are offer up each year to As-iz-la.


Since As-is-la and Shaal are major gods of worship, they are very intertwined into the government and military.  Thus the Religious leaders are the same as the military leaders, the most important roles are Supreme leader, and the spymaster who must uphold the tenets of their religion.

Political Influence & Intrigue

There is no separation of Church and state in the Xer empire, as such the leaders government wield the most political influence in both the religious matters and government affairs.

Unity Though Strength

Founding Date
8th Werver 4e 347
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
the Hammers, imperials
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Xeran, imperial
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Major Exports
ore, obsidian, whale blubber, whale bones, Slaves, silk, rice, tea, livestock, salt,
Major Imports
slaves, timber, magic artifacts,
Legislative Body
Xerian Representative of commerce, Xerian Representative of Security, Xerian Representative of Military, Xerian Representative of Arcane affairs
Judicial Body
Xerian Tribunal of commerce, Xerian Tribunal of Security, Xerian Tribunal of Military, Xerian Tribunal of Arcane affairs
Executive Body
Supreme leader, and Supreme Leader's council which includes office Intelligence and the spymaster.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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