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the Younger races

Discovery, Scientific


After the Dragonic wars there was peace but for a moment as the gods decided that new life should be birthed in the Zestria

It was said that the god Thazz disappointed with his most faithful, the merfolk of the all the races they never changed nor attempted to intergrate themselves with rest of the mortal they didn't even war, whenever they're waters were disturbed by such things the moved away from it. This got Thazz to ponder the idea of creating another he went to Elle for advice. She decided to help him with this project, the Thazz wanted this race to be short lived he recognized the fact that the other races tend to be too patient they moved to slowly and took their long lives for granted, thus a felt a races with shorter life span would experience and appreciate life. When the human race came to be numbering in the hundreds, but within a few generation reached thousands. The other races dismissive of human wondering what they could do with such little time on the earth, to there surprise they managed to do more than they could imagine.   Thazz and Elle considered the humans to a success and Elle thought to create another race one with a more brighter outlook and so she created the halfling race which got along with everyone. Jubileus, seeing this exciting new opportunity proceeding to birth several new races, Gnolls, tabaxi, lizardmen, goliath and kenku. this prompted Ptem to stop the production of new races as material plane was becoming over saturated with life.   But before this ban on creation Gorb the god of repulsion and survival, created the orc and ogre race, which became violent rather quickly.   After the dragonic wars, the dragon race was facing extinction Sareth had mated with the last dragon females, to preserve the race, however what came to be wasn't a prismatic dragons, but dragons of gold, copper, bronze, silver and brass, a whole plethora of new dragons had been born into the world. Quailoth in hell was forced to guard it's lowest layer, she lost her prismatic sheen during her time inside, her heads now different chromatic color however she wasn't entirely powerless, she used her demonic to birth a new breeds of the dragons, red, black, blue, yellow, green, white. Lastly it was said that the scale and blood of Quailoth spawn a smaller dragonoid race the Kolbolds.   the demon lord Shax had spawned several monsters but is known for the creation of the Goblinoid races. after the new races came to be.

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