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History of Zestria

the broad history of the material plane known Vestria.

the 1st era

1 Le 1000 Le

  • Year 1
    Dawn of life
    Era beginning/end

    Soon life was formed, not just in the material plane, but in the astral sea, the positive energy planes, negative energy planes, astral sea, elemental planes and even the element chaos. The first forms of life in the material realm were the dragons and aaracockra that took flight to the skies, the giants and dwarves the made their home in mountains, the triton that made their home in the seas.

  • 1E 114
    the first gods
    Life, Milestone

    when races came be soon culture, mythology, and finally religion, making the first gods their many at first several for the same concepts, death, life, storms, magic, time, sun, and moon. these deities competed ferociously for fervor and reverence. making them become the official gods. Most were harmless making use of prayers and festivals, shrine for worships. But other demands were more sinister, such as humanoid sacrifices and horrible crusades that demanded the dominion others, which would spark the first war.

  • 85 1E

    4 Sathes 13:00
    980 1E

    15 Eris 20:00

    War of Mortals
    Era beginning/end

    The first races that walked Vestria were ambitious, and thought the land belong them, and as expanded these races met each other, and soon fought for what they thought was theirs.

  • 90 1E

    11 Eris 08:00
    120 1E

    17 Klon 15:00

    the Spriggan Alliance
    Diplomatic action

    the Spriggan Alliance was made to ward off the Giants and dragons with the objective being the survival and protection of one another formed between the elves, dwarves and gnomes

  • 100 1E

    Emergence of Demons
    Discovery, Scientific

    the first demons emerged in the turning of the century and cause havoc during the war of mortals

  • 120 1E

    9 Feil 14:00

    the Severance of the Spriggan Alliance

    The alliance with the three races fell apart after the elves and dwarves came to mistrust each other, which led to a greater rift that split the alliance, to the dwarves the suspected the elves were working with the giant to bring the dwarves end, to the elves , for the elves , thought the dwarves betrayed the elves to the dragons for gold. Neither suspicions were proven and alliance fell apart leaving gnomes to fend for themselves. Fortunately, the gnomes ingenuity led them to outsmart the stronger races. This event became known as the war of the mortals, which saw bloodshed for many a generation.

  • 500 1E

    the 1st Demon lord
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Abyss ever chaotic managed to produce the first demon lord, Ygothisel the nightmare, who reigned as demon prince for a while.

  • 3rd Eran,1E 981
    The wing treaty
    Diplomatic action

    the wing treaty started the when a prismatic dragon sought to end the ceaseless bloodshed of mortal races

  • 8th of Ropin, 1E 983
    War of Peace
    Era beginning/end

    Many of the 1st races disagreed with peace between the races, and all of the elder races and long lives and memories, they couldn't simply forget countless deaths and tragedies inflicted on one another.

  • 990 1E

    18 Eris 13:00
    1059 1E

    8 Sathes 17:00

    the Sarethi Alliance

    After the death of Sareth the people allied decided to formally make an alliance for the dragon that gave his life for peace and prosperity for all. The alliance made the second wing treaty and ferociously defended their respective nations Sareth became hero, and icon for all who desired peace between races.

  • 9th of Feil, 1e 990
    Dragonic wars
    Disaster / Destruction

    On the of Races that held out during the war of peace was Quailoth who couldn't stand the thought of losing to lower races and fought tirelessly to end the war infuriated by the martyrdom of Sareth. However each day she lost more of her number, due her forces dying or switching sides, in her desperation called out to the devil Azale and forge a pact to empower the her to end the war. She excepted the pact traded her soul as well as five of her most loyal soldiers the result was she gained immense power.


the 2nd era

1000 Le 2000 Le

Era of Gods

  • 1010 2e

    8 Rowan 14:00

    Rise of the Sarethi Empire

    The Sarethi alliance now back with Sareth return to them as a god the Sarthi alliance decided to form a nation surrounding the ideals of the Alliance, as well as  religion forge around living in harmony and freedom with other races.

  • 1059 2e

    9 Eris
    1087 2e

    21 Ropin

    Ascension of Sareth /extinction prismatic dragons
    Religious event

    the Dragonic wars were ever brutal, as Quailoth her prismatic dragons and devils put up a stronger fight, however the more damage she inflicted on the Sarethi Alliance the more they began to rally to their martyr causing a wonderous event.

  • 1087 2e

    9 Kleth

    the Younger races
    Discovery, Scientific

    After the Dragonic wars there was peace but for a moment as the gods decided that new life should be birthed in the Zestria

  • 1203 2e

    14 Eran
    1830 2e

    8 Marchen

    the Evil races
    Discovery, Scientific

    the Material plane now teeming with new life, had seen the dawn of a new age, with new threats

  • 1250 2e

    10 Eran 05:00
    1840 2e

    21 Mettas 01:00

    Age of the Gods
    Era beginning/end

    Just as Zestria seemed to settle with it's new life, war suddenly broke out the forces of evil ever present struck suddenly and violently. dragons, drow duegar and orc all seemed to strike simultaneously, and all religious zealotry but what made this war different was not the mortals but the gods involement.

  • 1300 2e

    14 Polis 14:00

    Ascension of Ixis
    Celestial / Cosmic

    the Arrival of the dark deity Ixisal, brought with it the discovery of the undead and necromancy as well as brought about the first vampires

  • 1840 2e

    11 Kleth 07:00
    1840 2e

    13 Metton 10:00

    The calamity
    Era beginning/end

    the age of the gods reach it's peak when thazz and Az-is-la appeared in the material plane and fought each other the battle lasted for three days and resulted in the massive genocide and destruction of the south of North Elerene, which result in the ire of Ptem who was displeased at the imbalance of life flowing through the lifestream, and had endeavor of to end the fighting in between the gods.

  • 1841 2e

    5 Machen

    concord of the Gods
    Diplomatic action

    it was on this day that Ptem and many other gods decreed that no deity may influence another's follower's and that no god shall set foot on the material plane for any reason

  • 1884 2e

    22 Rowan

    the Collapse of Sarethi Empire
    Disaster / Destruction

    the Sarethi Alliance which lasted for centuries, finally collapse leading to the birth of new nations.

  • 1890 2e

    2100 2e

    Era of Kingdoms
    Era beginning/end

    the fall of the Sarethi empire created an enormous power vacuum, that left small nations to grow and new nations to sprout, and more conflict to ensue.


the 3rd Era

2000 Le 3000 Le

  • 2087 3E

    22 Eris 15:00

    Founding of Tourbillon

    With the fall of the Sarethi Empire a group of people set forth in the North Tourbillons plains  with intention of settling the land, and forging a new nation. Robert Theodore Liones, Jean Liam LaFluer, Sean Wes Rene, Thomas Elend Labouf, Pierre Adrien Jensen, Aaron Callen Bordeux, and Tristan Sol Parker. These seven men started the Tourbillon Settements

  • 2144 3E

    24 Eris
    2693 3E

    12 Klon

    War of Kings
    Disaster / Destruction

    Naturally with new countries came with new problems

  • 2190 3E

    4 Sathes

    the nation of Ixis

    When kingdoms where being formed the new races of vampires saw an  opportunity and tried to  settle in south elerene a harsh cold tundra in which few live and and intended to civilize the land.

  • 2234 3E

    22 Mettas

    The Fall of the Aelish Empire
    Disaster / Destruction

    the Aelish empire descent began when the emperors successor die causing, internally fell to pieces separated into two factions and became embroiled in Civil war.

  • 2590 3E

    7 Sathes

    the Collapse of the Kynast Empire

    the Kynast giant empire the last of the old giant fell to rebellion ironically aid by their god, between fighting the Xia kingdom, and rebellion the empire finally fell and something new formed in it's place.

  • 2700 3E

    7 Ropin 11:00
    2943 3E

    16 Klon

    The Xeran Crusades

    After the dust settled with the fall of the Kynast empire, from its ashes came the Xeran empire, which followed in the footsteps of its predecessors by immediately invading Xia Kingdom. starting a new a brutal war.

  • 2943 3E

    16 Mettas

    the end of the Crusades
    Diplomatic action

    the Xeran crusades stop after nearly taking the over most of the other countries but was halted when a Tourbillon priest organized several slave rebellions across conquered and contested countries, which in turn cause the Xeran empire to be steadily pushed back into leaving the only one territory West Aelis.

  • 2950 3E

    8 Eran 14:00

    Tourbillon defense treaty
    Diplomatic action

    the Xeran crusades, and left many of countries to repair but with hardly any resources, reparations really couldn't gotten from country far to the west, Tourbillon still hand plenty of it's own resources so offered a solution.