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The Everkeen

Enkir is the personification of resolute duty and hardened discipline. He has earned the epithet of "The Everkeen" because he stands as a soldier exemplar--vigilantly committed to his post at the sacrifice of self and personal indulgence. Arvon created Enkir as an expression of the Sentinels, who serve as guardians of Kosmos standing watch over the whole of the universe.   His worship across Zholmyr is as diverse as the types of mortals who exalt him. In the Askiam League, he is the patron deity of soldiers and revered throughout the Auburn Legions. In the realm of the Ilbryen high elves, he is the guardian of parents, and the Archgerent is adorned with his sigil to symbolize their duty as father or mother to their people. Because of his connection to discipline and devoir, Enkir is also worshiped by some blacksmiths, artisans, and craftsman.   Enkir's inverse is the goddess Niye. Followers of Niye scoff at Enkir for being what they believe to be stubborn, dull, and uninspiring.

Divine Domains

  • Forge
  • Order
  • Peace

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Two wolf's heads reflected in profile

Tenets of Faith

  • The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. Remember you are part of something bigger than yourself. You are just a small, yet vital, piece.
  • Reward and recognition are frivolous distractions. True fulfillment comes from doing what must be done and taking responsibility for the bigger things in life.
  • Suffer the harshness of disciple or you will suffer the pain of regret.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Many barracks, watchtowers, and forges across Zholmyr bear the Wolf of the Everkeen. Mighty statues and monuments depict Enkir as a tall muscular male humanoid adorned in full armor and a featureless helm obscuring his facade. He is usually flanked by his two mythical lupine companions, Dyesha and Poria.
Divine Classification
Deity (Soul Shepherds)
Lawful Good

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