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Niye (NEE-yeh)

Lady Lavish

The glints from elaborate chandeliers shimmer across the masterfully-painted vaulted ceilings of the ballroom as men, women, and monsters of all shapes and sizes twirl in their finest silks, furs, and satin garments below. Seated at the fore of the crowd on an ornate throne of opal-encrusted blackwood is Lady Lavish herself, matron of the Boundless Revelry. She is Niye, the goddess of luxury, extravagance, and wanton indulgence.   Originally created by Lyna to remind mortals to embrace the joys and gifts they'd been given in life, Niye has since slipped into an existence of libertine abandon. She is an unbridled source of seduction who lures mortals to surrender to their fantasies and desires. She has no temples or sanctuaries. Instead, her places of worship are the parlors, gambling halls, ballrooms, and brothels across Zholmyr. Her worshipers do not practice formal faith like the followers of her divine kin. Instead, they form cults across the world that carouse and frolic in endless celebration--always hoping that the next party will be grandiose enough to warrant the attendance of the Lady herself.   Niye's inverse is the god Enkir. Followers of Enkir look down upon Niye's coterie with disgust, balking at their remorseless pursuit of licentiousness and debauchery.

Divine Domains

  • Death
  • Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A jeweled goblet

Tenets of Faith

  • Life is a celebration--find what makes you happy and enjoy it while you can
  • Pursue your passions and indulge your fantasies or what was the purpose of your time on this earth?
  • The world will try at every turn to rein you in and bring you down--don't let anything (or anyone) spoil your fun

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Immortalized in finely-framed oil paintings and beautifully woven tapestries, Niye is shown as a very beautiful tiefling woman with soft rose-colored skin and ebony hair adorned with bands and a golden diadem nestled comfortably between two delicate horns. She is often portrayed wearing an elegant ballgown of lilac and fuchsia. Among her various adornments and accessories, Niye is always shown wearing her oxyn ring with one large ruby, a ring said to possess the power to control the will of mortals.
Divine Classification
Deity (Soul Shepherds)
Chaotic Evil

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