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The bustling megacity of Nizina acts as the head and the brain of Fulara. It hosts the federation's highest governing body, the Jury Prime, and administers nearly all major commerce in and out of Fularan territory. Additionally, the Fularan navy is stationed here. Whether you're a merchant sailing towards the arcane blaze of the Summer's Sun lighthouse or a traveler entering under the towering Arch of the Accords, the sights and sounds of Nizina are sure to dazzle and impress.


The Jury Prime also holds authority over Nizina, part of deal made in the later history of the Federation. Nizina was growing too powerful and becoming a hegemon. Begrudgingly at the behest of the supermajority of the Jury Prime, Nizina surrendered it's right to full autonomy. Now, the regional Nizina government answers directly to the Jury Prime, which also gives final approval or veto on any project or proposal the regional government puts forward. In this way, all citizens of the federation can play an indirect role in governing their capital through the election of their respective members of the Jury Prime.  

Regional Government

The highest position of power within the city and state of Nizina is the Chief Minister. The Chief Minister serves as the face of the Nizina government and rests atop all government institutions. They are also tasked with liaising with the Jury Prime on behalf of their constituents. It is forbidden for the Chief Minister of Nizina to also serve as Nizina's representative on the Jury Prime.   The Minor Council, a collection of four advisors, sits just beneath the Chief Minister in the power structure and aids them in administration and maintenance of the city and its territory. The day-to-day workings of these councilors are tedious and mundane and, while it yields access to great power, serving on the Minor Council is a position rarely sought by the politically-connected who view it as a bureaucratic death sentence to their ambitions. It is extremely rare for a member of the Minor Council to rise to the position of Chief Minister.   The Centinium serves Nizina as its democratically-elected legislative body. Made up of 100 members elected from amongst the general Nizina population, the Centinium is the the main political assembly and is responsible for electing the Chief Minister, the Minor Council, and many of the other political offices. It also meets to pass laws and exercise judicial oversight. There are three leaders of the Centinium chosen from within their own ranks to manage the body.   Together, the Chief Minister, the Minor Council, and the three leaders of the Centinium make up what is called the Full College. The College meets daily, under the presidency of the Chief Minister, but with the three Centinium leaders setting its agenda. The College read reports and dispatches, give audience to other Fularan city-state envoys, and prepare all issues to come to a vote before the Centinium.




The Federal District

For those travelers and residents entering Nizina from the east, the first sight they see after passing under the Arch of the Accords is the sprawling Federal District. The large ornate buildings here host many government functions and multiple bureaucratic entities both regional and national. Among the oldest of structures is Nizina City Hall, a towering pillared and gilded palace atop Rostivek Hill along the Great Channel. City Hall hosts the offices of the Chief Minister and the four advisors of the Minor Council. It is a physical homage to the wealth and opulent history of Nizina and has seen many additions and upgrades to its facade. Adjacent to City Hall is the glittering Dome of the Centinium, the house of Nizina's legislative assembly. The deep royal blue dome is enchanted to constantly ripple and reflect light like the surface of the waves in reverence of Nizina's maritime legacy.   In much less sumptuous coating, the Chambers of the Jury Prime rest in an unassuming building deeper in the district. After the Demotion of Nizina by the Jury Prime, the city's government refused to grant the Jury space in City Hall, so the Jurors were forced to find their own quarters and bases of operation. The Chambers are where the five Jurors of Fulara gather to discuss official national matters, hold judicial hearings to arbitrate interstate conflicts, and receive foreign emissaries.  

The Naval District

Nizina plays host to the Fularan navy, arguably the strongest navy in the world. The High Admiral is stationed here in the Naval District in the official Navy headquarters building, commonly called "The Berth". The rest of the district's buildings house shipbuilding workshops, smitheries, and administrative centers. The district opens to the south right into the eastern docks of Port Nizina, where warships both new and damaged rest anchored.  

The Armory

Fularan sailors, shipmen, and marines reside in the barracks nestled right next to the Naval District. This area is known as the Armory and functions as a small self-sufficient town, although conscripts are permitted to venture into the rest of Nizina at the discretion of their commanding officers.   The Artisan District In the southeast corner of Nizina, artisans and craftsman gather in their workshops and studios to construct their wares, which they then transport along the Main Road to be sold and auctioned at the Exchange across the channel.   The Eventide Seminary The main college of Nizina, one of the most premier learning institutions in all of Fulara. It is considered the leading institution for abjuration magic on the whole continent.   The Soul District As the capital of the federation, Nizina contains the most temples of any other city in Fulara. The diverse peoples of Fulara worship an equally diverse cohort of the pantheon, and their devotions are represented amongst the different churches and cathedrals in the nation's largest population center.


Like most of Fulara, the city and state of Nizina enjoys a mild and temperate climate thanks to its extensive coastline along the Ninive Ocean. Its summers are cool and its winters are manageable. Very rarely, Nizina might see snow during winter. But the city's engineers and civilomancers take great care to ensure the Great Channel does not freeze over and impede the travel of goods and passangers.
129,059 (37% humans, 24% halflings, 13% dwarves, 11% gnomes, 15% other races)
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