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Federation of Fulara (Foo-LAR-ah)

Nestled in the southwest corner of Dalmaya , the burgeoning Federation of Fulara sits atop flowing fields and hills as golden as the coastal setting sun. This region of the continent boasts some of the most fertile and tame land on the planet, and it is colloquially known as the "Breadbasket of the World". Human and halfling farmers till their rich fields day in and day out, content to live a provincial and agrarian life in sun-drenched bliss. But the shadows of this nation's dark history still linger.


The five semi-autonomous city-states of the Federation of Fulara are (in order of population from largest to smallest):  


The bustling port megacity of Nizina serves as the capital of the Federation of Fulara, as well as its outlet to the known world. The city of Nizina itself is situated between the mouth of the Matron River and the coast of the Ninive Ocean, while the city-state's jurisdiction encompasses much of the south all the way up to Hillset Pass along the northern coast. With a rich history in shipbuilding and mercantilism, Nizina serves the Federation as the center of trade and export. Its merchants are responsible for processing and shipping the food and produce grown in Haybarrow, as well as the ore and minerals from Ghiln Clift. Nizina also houses the Fularan Navy, one of the strongest in the world.  


Known as the "Heart of Fulara", the city-state of Haybarrow oversees all of the Federation's farming and agricultural operations--no small task for a region known as "The Breadbasket of Zholmyr". The city of Haybarrow sits nestled within the Great Bend of the Matron River, and its jurisdiction includes much of the heartland. Although all Federation members participate in the Fularan Farming Cooperative, Haybarrow is responsible for the co-op's oversight and day to day management. Much of the land in Haybarrow is dotted with farms and pastures, and the rivers are lined with mills.  


The great dwarven hill city of Nulyur stands at the vanguard along the Federation's extensive border with the Dhelesian Empire. Known as home to some of the fiercest and most colorful warriors in Fulara, Nulyur's jurisdiction extends along the whole of the Vunular Hills and the city-state serves as the Federation's security and lookout. The dwarves of Nulyur are as adept at smithing as they are at storytelling, and their proud history is narrated in their many songs, hymns, and epics.  


While Haybarrow may be the heart of Fulara, Shadvale holds its soul. The halflings of the humble forest city-state are a living reminder of the bonds of kinship and harmony that hold the Federation together. The city itself is tucked deep in the Terlow Woodlands, but the city-state's jurisdiction extends as far west as the coast and as far east as the crossroads at Lowcairn. The halflings of Shadvale are devoted stewards of the land and work to ensure that further expansion of the Federation does not risk the careful balance its citizens have struck with nature.  

Ghiln Clift

In the shadows of the southern Drowyrm Mountains live the rock gnomes of Ghiln Clift. The city is a late addition to the Federation, but nonetheless serves the important role of providing Fulara with ore, metals, and manufactured tools. Ghiln Clift is bounded by Scarport to the north and the Dhelesian Empire to the south, so access is usually met via sea routes. Ghiln Clift has experienced a surge in mountain dwarf refugees, who have fled their ancestral homes in Dholgulir after its annexation by the Empire.


Fulara is not a true nation, but rather is a loose collection of city-states and their associated territories. Now known for their affinity for peace and cooperation, the peoples of Fulara suffered years of adversity and bloodshed--both shared and internalized--before finding community. Thousands of years ago, during the Times of Turmoil, the prairies and veldts of the area were dominated by fearsome predators and dangerous elementals. The mortal races that inhabited Fulara were constantly faced with dire threats to their survival. The human tribes settled along the coast in an effort to avoid the worst of the dangers in the heartland, while the dwarves fled to the protection of the hills and the halflings to the cover of the forest.   This subsistence existence lasted until the mysterious arrival of the Spark of Veles. Those born with the Spark had the ability to beat back the wilds and its monstrous creatures, allowing for civilization to slowly spread out amongst the realm. Among the greatest of these Sparkborne were the human general, Dzoko Irenolo, who led the successful incursion into the Great Bend of the Matron River and founded the city-state of Haybarrow.   Under the leadership of the Sparkborne, the humans began to emerge from their safeguarded settlements and what ensued was a vicious land-grab. Access to newly-quelled farm and timber lands led to armed conflict among the different human tribes that had migrated across the heartland--primarily from the city-states of Nizina and Haybarrow. Raids and pillaging became commonplace, and warlords rose to power. Not long after, the dwarves of Nulyur--facing decades of increased starvation in the Vunular Hills--joined the fray, and the war for control of the heartland and its resources reached a fever pitch.   The one group that seemed to avoid most of the carnage was the halflings of Shadvale, in the Terlow Woodlands. In the shade of the towering juniper and hickory trees, the halflings made a home for themselves with the help of a mighty forest spirit. This spirit--none other than the Primordial Vassal called Greatmother Oak--rewarded the halflings' trust and care of the woods by offering them resources and protection. And it was the Greatmother who inspired the halflings to venture out of their arboreous sanctuary and put a stop to the bloodshed that was ravaging their neighbors.   After numerous halfling peace emissaries were rebuked by the warring human and dwarven tribes, a young halfling woman named Fulara managed to reach a breakthrough with the warlords. She convened and presided over a tribunal that ended with the signing of the Accords of Federation, the document that provides the structure for governance to this day. In honor of Fulara's leadership in bringing the wars to an end, the new nation-state was named after her, and she served as the halflings' first representative on the Jury Prime.   In the ensuing decades, what began as a tentative reconciliation between the city-states blossomed into a robust union of profound friendship. Each member of the Federation recognizes the vital role of the others, and there is a deep recognition among citizens that if one city-state falters, the whole Federation suffers.

Demography and Population

The Federation of Fulara is primarily made up of humans, halflings, hill dwarves, and rock gnomes. Other races also call the cities of the Federation home, but they are far and few between. The major races consider each other equals and are very respectful of the others' traditions and lifestyles. They recognize the necessity in coming together in order to survive the new world order, and prioritize cooperation above any petty stereotypes and prejudices.   Nizina is the only true megacity in the Federation, and it continues to grow. Haybarrow is the second largest city in the Federation, and is home to mostly humans.


Despite its general aire of provinciality, Fulara boasts robust and disciplined armed forces. Primary responsibility for administration of the Fularan military lies with the city-states of Nulyur and Nizina, but residents of all the Fularan cities can and do serve. The dwarves of Nulyur have spent centuries manning


The laws that govern the Federation are passed down by a central decision-making body called the Jury Prime. This body is made up of five Fularan citizens--one from each of the city-states. Each city-state has its own policies and procedures for selecting its representative on the Jury Prime. Jurors collectively serve five year terms and collectively share the title of "heads of state". It is known and expected that any one Juror speaks for the whole of the Jury Prime.   The current Jury Prime consists of:
  • Baska Maren, a female human doctor from Nizina
  • Kudron Songflail, a male dwarven lieutenant from Nulyur
  • Sykora, a very young halfling female from Shadvale
  • Zimo Abernathy, a male human farmer from Haybarrow
  • Lukes Wrenn, a male gnome jeweler from Ghiln Clift
The Jury Prime only has jurisdiction over laws and decisions that impact the whole of the Federation, or relations between city-states. It often serves as a mediator of judicial arbiter in conflicts that arise between individua city-states. It is understood that the Jury is strictly forbidden from overstepping, or they risk the dissolution of the Federation. The one exception to this is the city-state of Nizina, in which the Jury Prime also has authority over Nizina's regional government.   A secondary body called the Jury Auxiliary acts as the executive branch of the Federation. Its eight members are responsible for enacting the laws of the Jury Prime and overseeing their respective agencies. They are appointed by the Jury Prime at the start of the Jury's five year term and serve alongside the cohort.

"Strength through comity"

Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
  • Wheat
  • Produce
  • Meat and poultry
  • Fish
  • Earthen and clay goods
Major Imports
  • Technology and machinery from the Dhelesian Empire
  • Lumber from the Empire for shipbuilding
Legislative Body
The Jury Prime
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


The Federation and the Dhampir of the Sacred Lands continue to enjoy a close relationship of respect and appreciation. The Dhampir hold the Spolu races in high regard for their commitment to spiritual traditions and community. Likewise, the Spolu see the Dhampir as highly elevated beings whose benevolent and selfless services to the other nations is for the betterment of all mortals. Their pilgrims are openly welcomes in Spolu cities.


The Federation used to frequently trade with the Vysoky high elves, and the elves would supply with the Federation with arcane knowledge and training.

Open trade, at peace

The Verkhovian Empire is dependent on the vast farmlands of the Spolu Federation to help feed their rapidly growing population. The Spolu have watched Verkhovian expansion with some trepidation but have done everything in their power to remain in the Empire's good graces. The recent attacks on Spolu coastal towns by the Duchy have left the Spolu frustrated at the Empire's tepid response to calls for aid.


The Federation largely ignores the clans, though it sometimes trades fish and other food with coastal clan outposts.


The Sunsleg League, a close ally to the Verkhovian Empire, sees the Spolu Federation as its direct rival for both resources, goods, and favor from the Empire. They often clash in the waters of the Yuzhny Sea and have been known to hire privateers to harass each others' ships. The Sunsleg have watched enthusiastically as Spolu cities have fallen to the Duchy of Balik.

At war

The Duchy of Balik is besieging Spolu towns and outposts in the Ada Isles and along the southern coast. The Federation is desperate to regain its territory in order to maintain its role as formidable trade partner with the rest of Rodina.

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