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Gorilla Verdant Tree

This tree sprouted in the middle of a small tropical rainforest in Hinlenosa causing the evolutionary change of the local lowland gorillas into the Gaia Gorilla. Elara (A Tapestry Woven Anew) is encased in the bark of this tree, arms outstretched in greeting to all those that come to visit.  
The wagon creaks and sways as it moves along the forest path, the air thick with the scent of damp earth and wildflowers. Sunlight filters through the dense canopy, casting dappled shadows that dance along the ground. The rhythmic clatter of wheels and the occasional rustle of leaves are the only sounds breaking the serene quiet.   As the journey continues, Syndaya, a sudden, ethereal stillness envelops you. The world around you blurs, and a vision overtakes your senses. Elara's spectral form emerges from the haze, her presence both comforting and commanding. Her eyes, wise and gentle, lock onto yours. Her voice echoes in your mind, clear and resonant, "Share the nexus with me, Syndaya. Let us connect."   The vision fades as quickly as it came, leaving you momentarily disoriented. As you blink away the remnants of the ethereal scene, the wagon rounds a gentle curve in the path. Ahead, through a gap in the trees, you catch your first glimpse of something extraordinary. The sight is fleeting, like a secret moment shared with the forest itself—a hint of vibrant lavender and purple that stands in stark contrast to the greenery surrounding it.   The wagon slows, and the forest opens up, gradually revealing the majestic Verdant Awakening tree. The massive wisteria stands tall and ancient, its gnarled trunk twisting in an elegant spiral. Cascades of blossoms hang like a shimmering veil, their soft petals swaying in the gentle breeze. As the wagon comes to a stop, you step down onto the forest floor, feeling an almost electric energy in the air.   The scene before you is breathtaking. The tree's blossoms glow with an ethereal light, casting a soft, magical aura over the area. The air itself feels charged, filled with a palpable magic that seems to pulse in rhythm with the earth. This is no ordinary tree; it is a living testament to the elemental forces at work, a sacred connection to Gaia.

As you approach:

The grandeur of the tree becomes more apparent. Your eyes are drawn to a subtle, yet significant detail within the tree's bark. There, amidst the twisted wood, you see the faint form of Elara. Her essence is interwoven with the tree, her figure almost hidden but unmistakable. It's as if she is a part of the tree, a guardian spirit bound to it for eternity. Her presence is serene, a silent witness to the magic that flows through this place.   The air around you buzzes with an otherworldly energy, a sensation that both grounds and elevates you. It feels alive, almost sentient, as if the very essence of Gaia flows through the roots and branches of the tree. The magic here is not just a force; it is a living, breathing entity, nurturing the tree's eternal bloom and the life that thrives around it.   As you stand before the Verdant Awakening tree, you can't help but feel a deep sense of awe and reverence. This place is a sacred sanctuary, a living symbol of the earth's power and the enduring connection between Gaia and the world. It holds secrets, stories, and truths waiting to be uncovered—a reminder of the ancient bond between nature and the divine.


This tree has remained untouched from its original form even after thousands of years because the people recognize the significance of the Verdant Awakening.


It looks like a giant wisteria tree in constant bloom, that is 400 feet tall and 40 feet in diameter at its base.


People from all over the planet will travel to see one of the Verdant Awakening Trees. Gaia Gorilla used to visit regularly to madidate and show respect to Gaia herself but now the tree serves as a reverent reminder that nothing is permanent.
Founding Date
1 VA
Parent Location

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