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Wood Elves

The most physically capable of the Elves, the wood elves are generally fast and athletic and prefer the wild lands of forests, deserts, or open plains to the confines of civilised society.   In comparison to other elven races the wood elves are considered more wild, unpredictable, aggressive and absolutist. This has been attributed to the culture of wood elven collectives than anything biological as none of these traits are shown by wood elves living within towns and cities.

Basic Information


In terms of physique the wood elf is the closest of its brethren to human, not suffering from the other elven races lighter bones allows them to have more musculature and as a result are the fastest runners I have observed.   I have observed in my travels to eastern Dalkesh a tabaxi thief running faster than any elf could hope to achieve. Due to his later arrest as the guards apparently caught up with him it lead me to the conclusion that over longer distances the wood elf would still be the victor. - Lukas.

Growth Rate & Stages

Like other elves, wood elves physically mature around 20 but mentally remain in their teenage years much longer. For wood elves this can last between 100 and 150 years. During this stage they are denied the ability to take any responsibilities in wood elven culture. This is not out of disrespect of the youngsters abilities but more out of an incentive to explore their wilder nature, explore, hunt, craft and discover their limits.   Once this phase of their life is complete wood elves are expected to calm somewhat and begin putting their skills to work as warriors, scavengers, craftsmen and builders. The freedom of their youth is curtailed and replaced with subservience to their elders for the good of the community. This typically lasts around 200-300 years until their experience or achievements allow them to gain a more senior position and will become leaders and experts in their craft. This is the stage at which a wood elf can truly put their mark on the world. Of the legends I was told by the wood elves nearly all were of heroes of this later adult stage. I believe it is the stage at which a wood elf's balance between their physical abilities and vast life experience are considered to be at their peak.   The last stage of a wood elf's life is the elder stage. For a wood elf to live long enough for their body to begin deteriorating is very rare and as such these members of the community are revered as wise leaders and advisors, able to guide the younger members of society without having to get physically involved. Councils of elders typically make up the rulers of wood elven collectives, though few outsiders are ever permitted to see them.

Ecology and Habitats

Wood elves live in various natural habitats and, so long as it is not too cold, they can nearly always thrive. They live in harmony with their environments and wood elven communes can easily be missed by travelers should they not be keeping an eye out.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The wood elf has a hardier digestive system than its brethren. It is the elf I have observed to consume a large amount of red meat in its diet and, whilst in the communities I stayed with, fine cooking was not an often appreciated activity and most meals were cooked simply over an open fire. It was explained to me that part of their culture was to never take too much from any area. Therefore, they would take only the ripest fruits and finest cuts of meat from their hunts. "The elf should never deny the wolf his meal" was how it was expressed to me.   Though it was never stated in his writings, my father would rave about the deliciousness and simplicity of the meals he ate when with the wood elf collective. -Lukas

Biological Cycle

Whilst most wood elves remain the same year round, it has been noted for wood elf collectives in colder regions go into a form of hibernation in the darkest winter months, only waking for a few hours a day to maintain their homes or retrieve food. This has been attributed to the wood elf's natural dislike for colder climates.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The structure of a wood elf collective is mostly gerontocratic, with the council of elders guiding the direction of its people.   Overwhelmingly the wood elves are isolationist and communistically minded. After their initial century of freedom, the collective will always come first and I'm certain if it came to it, most would lay down their lives for the elders.

Facial characteristics

Wood elves' eyes range from green to brown to amber and their hair from auburn through brown to jet black. Their facial features cause them to stand out even amongst elves as having an alienness that can be highly unnerving. Their large, wide set, almond shaped eyes are accentuated by their large irises, which I can only imagine is why they have such excellent sight in comparison to humans and other elves. Their faces are often much thinner and more angular than their cousins, and whilst sometimes this combination of angular features and large eyes can appear quite beautiful, for the most part the wood elves are the most frightening looking of the elven subraces I have encountered.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Alongside the classic elven darkvision they posses a hawklike vision quite unique to this subrace of elves.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

Darlan the Everwatcher:   Many hundreds of years ago, before the Cataclysm, when the elves still inhabited the Fey Wild, the High Elves and Dark Elves were at war. The high elves sought an advantage by gaining the support of the wood elves they believed to be dwelling within their lands. After the diplomatic negotiations were rejected by the wood elves the high elves of Analean sent a military force, attempting to make an example of the closest wood elf collective to show that no one should question high elf hegemony over the region.   Darlan and his band of nine other stalkers observed an expedition force of some 800 high elves, lead by Prince Loshal of Analean, enter the forest via a chasm spanning bridge before returning to their camp to warn the other members of their small collective. The wood elves packed up and moved deeper into the forest for safety. Darlan and his companions returned to the bridge and its said that they felled a giant tree such that it crashed through the stone bridge, trapping the high elves in the forest. Quickly realising their situation and that they would soon be under attack, the high began a two week journey back to the open hills where they would have the advantage. Once the high elf column was moving, Darlan and his stalkers began their ruthless attacks on the expedition force.   At first any high elf who would stray too far from the column would receive an arrow through the eye, a dagger to the throat or a spear through the back. The high elves soon noticed that this was not the workings of the natural beasts of the forest and became more cautious, to no avail. The stalkers would sneak into the camps the high elves would set up to sleep and silently kill as many as they could before the first alarm cry would be called and they would vanish like a shadow into the forest once more. After a few days of this and a few hundred dead at the hands of Darlan and his nine stalkers, the high elves became paranoid, most wouldn't sleep for fear of not waking again. And yet still arrows would fly out of the dark and strike down the elves where they stood.   After two weeks the prince was the only high elf alive and at the exit to the forest Darlan and his nine hunters revealed themselves to him, allowing him to leave the forest so long as he would deliver a message to the high elf lords. Prince Loshal agreed and was allowed to pass.   Unknown to Loshal, Darlan followed him across the plains to Analean. The exhausted and disheveled prince pounded on the city gates but by the time they were swung open the prince had fallen silent, pinned by an arrow through the neck to the wooden gate. The message had been sent. If you come for the collectives, you will not survive.   Whilst a common folk tale amongst the wood elves the high elves that I sought information from deny it as fantasy concocted by savages. Even dark elves that I have spoken to about it say it seems unlikely or at least highly exaggerated given high elves prowess at strategising and forethought. - Szabo   At the library of Lys Ishana I did manage to come across a book of high elf military history and there was mention of an expeditionary force lead by a Prince Loshal, though there is never any mention of the prince nor the force again. I was soon expelled from the library so was unable to continue my research but the story could hold merit. - Lukas
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
H. S. Lorien Ferus
700 years
Average Height
Average Weight
9st 7lb
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The wood elf's skin will typically range from olive to light brown and as with other elves they seem to be immune from bruning in the sun.   Wood elves are fond of tattoos, often artistic and abstract nature based symbols and patterns. Most that i have encountered had either facial or arm tattoos that defined their collective as well as others to represent aspects of their life. In my months staying with a collective in the Zauberwald I discovered that each member of the collective had a tattoo of an animal footprint for their first hunt after rejoining the clan as an adult.


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