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City of Atlas

City of Atlas

December 21st year 3091

Not much farther of the Weeping Lady we have found the ruins of a settlement. A large city with various buildings. I can't believe we finally have found more evidence that there was once sapient live on this planet. Tomorrow some members of the team will climb the walls to open up the gates. Who are closed. Maybe to keep the Stardust Therizinosaurus out of the city. Which is not so bad an idea.  

December 22nd year 3091

That was harder than we thoughts. The gates gave use a fight, but still we have menaced to open it and we are inside the save walls of the city. But because of the delay there wasn't enough time to explore the city.  

January 1st year 3092

The inside of this city is breathtaking, it is filled with houses, large buildings. The square in the middle of the city is overgrown with flora, but I do not know if that was always the case. Everywhere I look there is the depiction of the Weeping Lady. So I really think that she was someone important to this city. A shield maiden or a goddess, I do not know. Still we didn't have found a graveyard of some sort, which can indicate that the sapient race that lived here cremated their death.
— Excerpt from The Findings of Gloria Stone


The City of Atlas, also called Atlantis was a large city. Who lived there is unknown, and how many is also unknown. But if the scientist are right with their guesses, then the city was once inhabitant by a thousand souls. But because there is no evidence of a graveyard it stays by guessing.  


It is assumed that the larger building in the center of the city belonged to the local government. If it was only the cities' government or that of the whole country, that is unknown. No document with text or drawings was left behind.  


There is still a wall standing around the city, complete with metal gates and watch towers. It is the only thing still intact. Which means that the wall was build out of a different material than the houses and other buildings.  


The City of Atlas, or Atlantis. It is build in a star shape with five points, there are some small rivers that are flowing through the city and small bridges that pass over them. The streets are big, big enough for two traffic lanes. All the buildings are damaged beyond recognition. In the center of the city there is a large plaza, overgrown with plants and trees. This could be the market square or just a large park. Just like Central Park in New York City.  


There is not much left of this city, but there is a clear line between the wealthy and the poor district in the city. The houses in the wealthy part of the city are larger and have more rooms. The houses in the poorer district are packed on to each other and much smaller.   There is no sign of shops inside the city or farm land nearby. This those not mean that there was non, but it was lost over time.   Just outside the city stands the Weeping Lady, a giant statue, made out of a mountain. The image of the woman depicted in the statue is also depicted in gravity around the town.  


It is a real hotspot for tourists. Tourist can book a tour in the nearby city also called City of Atlas. Then they are taken there with a buss. The gates are still functional, and are used to keep the Stardust Therizinosaurus out of the city. When the tourist are inside the city they have permission to leave the buss.   The tour is not complete without a visit to the Museum of Gloria Stone. Were all her findings are on display.  


Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
The image of the text breaker is made by: Majabel_Creaciones and GDJ

Cover image: by Salmonboy


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