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Weeping Lady

Weeping Lady

December 1st year 3091

I can't believe it, after we had found the Horned Skull we believed there was sapient live on this planet. At least at one point. And now we have found proof of it. A very large statue depicting a woman who is crying. It is incredible, tomorrow we need to find out how this race has made this giant monument.  

December 8th year 3091

It really took use some time to walk around the Weeping Lady, but we have found the materials that were used to create the statue. It seems to me that they have built it like the Romans and the Ancient Egyptians did. Just with simple hand tools, made out of some kind of metal. I know that this metal is no iron or another metal we can find on planet Earth.  

December 19th year 3091

One of the crew members has climbed the statue, to measure the height and the ground crew the wideness. The statue is 7,200 meters high 730 meters wide. Just as the Lupghar Sar in Pakistan. The statue was probably made out of a mountain. Just like Mount Rushmore and The Lakota, in America. But that would be strange, I have not seen one single mountain on this planet. And if this statue was made out of a mountain than the mountain structure is very different of that on planet Earth. Where mountains do not appear at random, but always in ranges. But this fall outside my field of study. Still it amasses me, and I can not wait what I am going to find next.
— Excerpt off The Findings Of Gloria Stone

Purpose / Function

The purpose of this statue is unknown, but if we look at the statues on Earth they are usually depicting an historical figure or an event. Gloria Stone and her team who found this statue near the City of Atlas. After investigation of the city, Gloria believes that this woman was someone special.  

The Weeping Lady

The weeping lady is standing in a large grassland field, just one kilometer before the City of Atlas. The woman that is depicted in the large statue, is also seen in art all around the city. Gloria Stone believes that this woman could be someone important, or a Goddess. But there is no written text or depictions of man or other woman inside the city. So Gloria assumes that this woman was a shield maiden of this city.  


Made off

It seems that the Weeping Lady was made out off a large mountain. A lot like the statues inside Mount Rushmore and The Lakota. The tools that were found all around the large statue were made out of some kind of metal, a kind that we do not find on earth. But that means that this statue was made by hand, and hard labor. It would have taken probably 40 years to craft it. The statue itself is 7,200 meters high 730 meters wide.  

Founding Date
Monument / Statue, Large
Parent Location
Discovered by
Gloria Stone  
Year of discovery

Gloria Stone

When Gloria Stone arrived at Atlas Temple she had hope to find some hidden places, missing artifacts and new animals. She didn't suspect to find a very large statue depicting a woman. Why is the woman crying, and why did this race depict her? What other mysteries will she discover?    
The text breaker Image is made by: GJD

Cover image: by KELLEPICS


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