Zodiac Academy Building / Landmark in Zodiak | World Anvil
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Zodiac Academy


The school was build in exaction of the Moon station. After the children get back, they can attend this school and learn even more about space travel.


The children are getting normal lessons like;
  • History
  • Science
  • Biology
  • Art
  • Math
  • Foreign languages
But they also get;
  • Advance Physical training
  • Advance Astronomy
  • Advance Weapon training
  • Advance Engineering
And other astronaut training.



The outside of the building, it just looks like a normal school building in the middle of the city. Build from white steel and glass. Outside the building stands an ice cream truck, which is owned by Pia Fogas.

by 200degrees
by elizabethaferry


The main building is above ground, where the normal lessons are given. Outsiders who visit the school are only seeing this part of the school. Below ground, there is another area of the school. Which, in the elevators that are leading to this area, is doped Area 51. The students can come there only with a special card that is given to them on their first day of school. If a student forget this card, they need to report that to the administration. They will get a mark in their school report and are given a special card that they can barrow.


All the students are having one thing in common, they are all born under a zodiac sign. They have being selected for this special thing alone. All the students that are coming through the glass and steel door, have being to the Moon station for their first part of their training. But not every student that went to the space station, goes to the academy.
by geralt
The Watermen twins that were born under the Sagittarius sign have decided not to attend the academy after their accident with their pod. But they are the only once that refused to go, the others were not even invited. The Zodíaco organization found their test results of their time at the Moon station disappointed.

Dress code

Every student may wear what he/she/they like as long it is representable. No very short skirts or showing tops. All the boys have to wear a shirt, sweater or something that covers the chest. (This rule is added after some boys decided to wear only pants, which distracted some other students from their studies.)  


by geralt
The teachers of the (normal) lessons are all teachers that children would have to find at other schools. They know of course about Area 51 under the school, but they are not allowed to come there. The lessons that are given in Area 51 are given by old Cosmonauten and/or Astronauten. They have being in space and know what the students need to know about that subject.

Dress code

Just as with the students, every teacher may wear what he/she/they like as long it is representable.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Space school
College / Academy
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by AlexAntropov86


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