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Name Riptide School Conjuration
Spell Level 3 Range 60 feet
Casting Time 1 Action Duration 1 round
Components V, S Materials None
Ritual No Concentration No
With a sweeping gesture, you cause a great swell of water to rise up in a 20-foot tall, 20-foot radius cylinder centered on a point on the ground that you can see. Each creature in the area must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is restrained and suspended in the cylinder or moves to the nearest edge of cylinder on a successful one.
At the start of your next turn, you can direct the current of the swell as it dissipates. Choose one of the following options:
Riptide The water in the cylinder flows in a direction you choose, sweeping each creature in the area to the edge of the cylinder. A creature takes 3d8 bludgeoning damage and is pushed up to 40 feet in the chosen direction, or to the edge of the cylinder, landing prone.
Undertow The water rushes downward, pulling each creature in the area into an unoccupied space at the center. The creatures are knocked prone and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save a creature is stunned until the start of your next turn.


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