ClarissaGosling Progress Report

Clan Congress

193 words

Phoenix Designation Ceremony

352 words

City of Fenixia

361 words


226 words


101 words

Radiant Emperor

53 words

Fenixian Empire

774 words

Parent Council

104 words

ClarissaGosling Progress so far

2164 words 21.64% completed!

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Clarissa has always lived more in the world of daydream and fiction than in reality. In her writing she explores purpose and belonging across worlds. Having never found her own portal to faeryland, she is resigned to writing about fantastical worlds instead. She now lives in the Netherlands with her family, where she writes as much as they will let her. When not reading or writing, she drinks too much tea and has a burgeoning obsession with Bundt cakes.

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