
In the world of Trutina

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Do you ever wonder why Thinatr, the mighty warrior god of the Old Faith uses a hammer instead of a sword like the Scovonian do? The truth is that Thinatr did have a sword that was made by himself and was unparelleled in its power. Unfortunately for Thinatr, he lost this blade centuries ago.

Back in the days when dragons still roamed the Continent, Thinatr still wore the sword, Aennir on his belt as he travelled the old lands in search of dangerous beasts. Aennir was made at the begninning of time and it was a blade that never broke, never failed to cut its target and always found its way back to Thinatr's hand. The most powerful of its abilities however was that whenever it struck a foe, the target's strength was transferred to Thinatr. One day, he found his match. A great wyrm with wings as long as Shemerno's beard and claws sharp enough to split the hairs on a fish. Thinatr drew his sword and assaulted the beast with thunderous steps. The two clashed in battle and the earth quaked. Thinatr used his mighty sword to push the creature back and the wyrm began to flee. It took to the skies and flew high above the clouds to evade the god's power. When the wyrm looked back to see if it escaped, it saw Thinatr clinging onto its tail. Thinatr climbed onto its back and plunged his sword into the beast's side. The wyrm's blood spilled into the sea below and the drops became the first eels. Fueled by the pain, the wyrm clawed at its injury and managed to dislodge Aennir from the wound, which fell into the sea. Thinatr didn't abandon the fight however and climbed his way further up the beast's body. When he reached its neck, he wove his strong arms around it and began to strangle the creature. In a desparate attempt to rid itself of Thinatr, the wyrm dove into the ocean. Thinatr held on however and when the beast came up for air, he was still on its back. The wyrm thought that without his weapon, Thinatr might be defeated on land, so it headed to the nearest island. They landed with a big impact and Thinatr lost his grip on the creature's neck. Looking around, he searched for a weapon, but couldn't find any around him. However, he did recognize the place. They landed in the lands of the troll Grünne, the who was known for her generosity. Thinatr called out her name and she appeared to him. Thinatr asked for a weapon that could kill the wyrm, and Grünne offered a heavy hammer that could break anything, even a dragon's skull. In exchange, she asked for one of Thinatr's eyes. Seeing the beast lunging at him, Thinatr accepted the offer and plucked his eye out to exchange for the weapon. With his new weapon, Grünnesham in his hands, he met the wyrm's assault and knocked it to the ground. When he moved to strike its head, he realized that without his eye, his aim was hindered. He began pummeling around the dragon's head, each hit causing earthquakes. Eventually, he hit the wyrm on its head and killed it.

This is how Thinatr lost his sword, got his hammer and this is why the earth quakes sometimes. Thinatr is fighting another mighty beast, but unfortunately, it takes a while until he hits the creature's head.

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