
In the world of Trutina

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Saved by the Gods

Once upon a time, there was a village on a river. One day, rain started falling and kept on falling for seven days and seven nights. The river grew and grew and started to flood the village. Many of the villagers left the village, but an old man stayed behind. He tended to his animals and kept his house dry as well as he could. When the last person besides him decided to leave, he asked the old man if he would come along. The old man said:
- If I need to leave, the gods will tell me. If I need to be saved, the gods shall aid me.

And so the old man stayed in the village alone, feeding his pigs who now lived in his home, where the water could not reach them. The water kept rising and rising and eventually, the old man and his pigs were forced on the roof of his home. There, the old man stayed with his pigs, until one day, a man arrived on a boat. He offered to take the old man, but he said:
- Don't worry, the gods will save me. But please take my pigs as I can't feed them anymore.

And so the man with the boat took his pigs, but gave his hat to the old man, to at least save his head from the deluge. The man stayed on the roof with the water rising ever closer. The next day another, larger boat came along with many passengers. They offered to take the old man, but he said:
- Don't worry, the gods will save me. But please, take my food as I can't eat this much.

And so the boat left the old man on the roof without food. The old man, now sitting in the water kept on waiting. Unfortunately for him, no help came and the old man drowned when the water washed him off the roof. When his essence returned to the Great Mechanism, he was greeted by Elevalos and the old man asked him why haven't the gods sent any help to him. Elevalos answered:
- I've sent you two boats and faithful souls to help you, what more could you ask for? - asked Elevalos as he took his hat back from the old man.

Kaos' fate

When Kaos was defeated after his rebellion, the gods of Order gathered around him to decide their fate. First, Semernos spoke:
- Fellow gods, Kaos has betrayed everything that we and the Great Mechanism have worked towards all these years. For his treachery, there must be consequences. What say you, my beloved wife?
- I agree Semernos - said Enequila - this vile being must be destroyed for only it is responsible for its actions. 

After a while, Elevalos spoke:
- I don't think we should be so hasty in our judgement. We don't even know why The Great Mechanism created him. He must be serving the Calculation.
- If it was created by the Great Mechanism, I can see that it can't be improved and must be replaced - retorted Enequila.
- But it wasn't - interjected Machina. She then held Ostinatos' hand and continued - it was us who created him. We fell in love and could not find the time to be together.
- We created Kaos to improve the Great Machinery in our stead and allow us the time we sought with each other - said Ostinatos, finishing Machina's thoughts. The two embraced each other openly for the first time. They begged the other gods to spare their creation. After a while, Semernos declared:
- By the will of the Great Machinery, we are all equal and as Kaos was not created by it, Enequila can't pass judgement on her own. We shall put it to vote. I would not wish to sadden you - he looked at Machina and Ostinatos - but Kaos acted on his own and caused immense damage to the Great Machinery that will hinder our utopia. For that, he must be punished. I vote for his destruction.
- I stand by my earlier decision. This abomination has brought nothing but corruption and deceit into the Great Machinery. It must not exist any longer. I vote for its destruction - said Enequila.
- I realize my mistake, but can't bring myself to accept the destruction of my own creation. I vote for his release - said Machina.
- Whilst his transgressions against the Great Machinery can not be forgiven, I am not going to betray my own creation, nor my love. I vote for his release - said Ostinatos. All eyes fell upon Elevalos, whose vote would decide Kaos' fate. After he contemplated the situation, Elevalos spoke:
- I think that neither of these options benefit the Great Mechanism. On one hand, even if it wasn't created by it, Kaos still serves a part in the Calculation and destroying him could cause as much damage as he has done before. On the other hand, releasing him would allow Kaos to continue his vile work, which also can not be acceptable. I propose that we seal Kaos and his creations together for eternity. This will not destroy him, but he will no longer be a threat to the Calculation. However, if his part in it is revealed to us, we could free him to fulfill his purpose.

The gods saw the wisdom in Elevalos' words and decided to do as he suggested. Thus, the Plane of Chaos was created and Kaos was sealed in it forever.

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