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Valerian grows to a height of about 3 feet, and has one hollow and furry stem. It has large, pale green, serrated leaves along the length of this stalk which slits into flowers stems with small pink flowers at its top. The root is the useful part of this plant and should be grated into boiling water and the resulting infusion drunk in order to ease the spasms of somebody who is subject to fits or seizures

Veil Flower

These blue flowers are famed for their beauty among the fey, yet it bears harmful effects. If an unfortunate creature consumes a veil flower directly or by making a tea out of its petals, a successful DC 12 Constitution saving throw is required. Upon a failed saving throw, the creature is Blinded and Deafened indefinitely. On a success the creature bleeds from its eyes and ears, and gains disadvantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight and hearing for 1 hour


The vilerge is a plant that grows in forests. Its small flowers are pink or purple. An infusion of vilerge has the property of comforting the subject. In the past it was used as an antidepressant, but the plant becoming increasingly rare, it is no longer the main effect attributed to it today. An infusion of vilerge grants Advantage to saving throws against being frightened for 1 hour.



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