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Found in wet, shady areas, the Alarvaun vine can have its waxy leaves distilled into a wine that can be used to inhibit spellcasting. A creature who drinks Alarvaun wine must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw whenever it casts a spell. If it fails, the spell has no effect.



Alchemilla (Lady’s Mantle)

Alchemilla (Lady’s Mantle)
Alchemilla is a fairly uncommon ground cover plant, used sometimes as an ornamental on the property of the wealthy. The plant has ornate, cup-like leaves notable for catching and collecting beautiful beads of dew, and its small yellow flower that blooms in the late summer. According to legend, alchemists of old used to harvest the drops of dew and rain that would collect on these leaves for use in alchemical processes of turning base metals into gold. Although this is no longer common practice, Alchemilla is still commonly used as a tea or herbal supplement to help with feminine health.


An aldaka is a dark red mushroom that grows underground, away from daylight. Prepared with a skillful mixture of oils and spices, it makes a maceration with an ignoble smell which has the virtue of immediately restoring sight to a blind creature if it is applied directly to the eyes. A creature who temporarily suffers from the blinded condition and on whom this cream is applied recovers their sight immediately. In addition, a creature who is permanently blinded for natural reasons has a 50% of chance to recovering their sight after applying it for 10 minutes, provided their eyeballs are perfectly intact.




This thick red-brown leaves plant does not like bright light and grows in thick forests. Its leaves look like a brown cabbage from a distance but, if these are edible, it is especially the roots of this plant that are sought after for its anti-poison effects. This concoction grants advantage on saving throws against all Ingested poisons for the next 8 hours, and on saving throws to negate the poisoned condition and any other effects from an Ingested poison that has been absorbed into the hour preceding the consumption of the beverage. The subject does not, however, recover any hit points lost due to the poison



All-Heale (Attorlaðe)

All-Heale (Attorlaðe)
This common herb is found commonly in symbiosis with berry bushes in plains and forests. When all-heale is mixed in a pint of olive oil and applied to a wound, (one application per day), the recipient will heal even if still working as normal, meaning that serious injuries won’t interfere with intense physical activity. With rest, the recipient will heal at 1.5 times normal rate, meaning that half of all hit points recovered in a short rest can be added to the total hit points.

Alligator Teeth

Alligator Teeth
A rough bush that primarily inhabits rocky regions, and grows to about the height of a man and similar in diameter. The stalk of the plant is covered in sharp white thorns, providing the plant’s namesake. Villagers often cultivate rows of the plant outside town borders as a measure of safety from beasts, monsters, or other attackers of low intelligence. Spiders also seem overly attracted to the bush. It is rare to see such a bush without the glimmer of webbing in between the thorny branches.


Angelica's root should be boiled in water for an hour and then drunk in order to relieve coughs. The plant can grow to a height of eight feet. It has a hollow stem and has large, broad pointed leaves at the base of the stem. It has a cluster of white or pink flowers at the top of the stem.


Anise grows to height of about two feet, and is distinguished by its unusual leaf formation. At its base, the leaves are heart shaped and toothed, but progressing up the stalk, they are small and feathery. It has delicate white flowers which ripen in summer to produce small ridged seeds. These seeds should be crushed and left to stew for ten minutes in boiling water. The resultant mixture should then be strained and drunk as desired. A successful application will relieve hiccups.


A waterweed found in fast flowing rivers, if the stem of Arfandas is bound up in the dressing of a fracture, it will double the rate of healing for that fracture.




This plant grows to a height of 1 to 2 feet. It has a hairy stem on which its leaves are arranged in pairs, and in summer months, produces large, ball-shaped orange flowers. These flowers should be plucked and dried, and then boiled in a litre of beer. This resulting mixture should be applied to a compress which is wrapped around a bruise. A successful application will cause the bruise to fade within one day. The pollen of the flowers if inhaled will cause uncontrollable sneezing. A phial of arnica carried in a person’s pocket is also reputed to help a person quit smoking.


The leaf of this plant should be applied to the site of ligament, cartilage, or muscle damage. If used successfully, it will double the speed of healing for such damage




An asarabacca is a tall plant growing from the roots of mangroves that gives gooseberry size red fruits. These fruits, which have no real taste, have the ability to appease animals if they eat them. A beast creature that ingests asarabacca fruit becomes docile and incapable of violence for the next hour, unless of course you show aggression towards it, in which case its nature quickly takes over. These fruits have no effect on humanoids or monsters.


The bark of the ash tree must be stripped from its branches and boiled in clear water for one day. It should then be drunk as a cure for fevers, especially those caused by diseases such as malaria. It does not cure the cause of the fever but merely brings it under control within 2d6 hours. Ash leaves should be boiled in water and drunk as a cure for poison. The ash tree has ash grey bark, and black buds. Its flowers have no petals. Ash trees are also by tradition used to make stakes for the purposes of killing vampires according to many ancient legends.


An ashine is a creeper and parasitic ivy-like plant that grows along trees in forests. Its yellow-spotted shoots prepared as infusion make it easier to resist the bites of lycanthropes in order to avoid catching this disease. The very smell of this plant repels/agitates lycanthropes, Further testing is needed. Absorbing an infusion of ashine grants an Advantage on one Constitution saving throw against being afflicted by lycanthropy for 1d4 hours.





This herb is a beautiful flower with large colorful petals in colors of blue, yellow, and purple mixed together. Asmendyll flowers have short life spans, blooming for only a few days each year during the spring. When consumed as a tea, Asmendyll stimulates happiness, making consumers more tolerant of negative feelings. A creature consuming an asmendyll tea must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, or it has disadvantage on all Intelligence checks. Due to the happiness and tranquility, the creature also has advantage on all saving throws to resist emotional manipulation, intimidation, and the Frightened condition. These effects last for 10 minutes. This tea is commonly used in peace summits and for relaxation. Grows in dry climates, preferring warmth and lots of sunlight.


Attanar is a river moss, which when applied to the forehead of a stricken person, will cure fevers. It takes effect 2d6 hours after it is successfully administered



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