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The calamus is an aquatic plant similar to water lilies that grows in warm, humid climates on the surface of waters such as lakes or ponds. Its maceration, which among other ingredients includes several small insects, is a sought-after preparation because it helps to recover hearing. A creature who temporarily suffers the deafened condition immediately recovers their hearing. In addition, a creature permanently deaf for natural reasons has a 50% chance of recovering hearing.


The calcena is a small pinkish-brown mushroom. Anyone who inhales its spores too much will hallucinate for a few minutes. On the other hand, meticulously mixed with oils, we get an invigorating cream that helps heal faster. Applying calcena cream to the lips of a dying creature grants advantage to the first Wisdom (Medicine) check made to stabilize the subject.




A twisted and tough vine that grows in rocky crags high in the mountains, the waxy leaves of the plant are small and grow in clumps. Small white flowers grow on the vines, which turn into light blue berries which are quite tart. Dwarves send their children out to pick the berries, so that they may be harvested into a specialty wine and jams. Those drinking the wine often have an unfounded and untrue feeling of invincibility, while those consuming the jam often feel satiated and satisfied with their meal. They're just Blueberries


A dark nut that grows on the Callin tree in dense woodland. When the husk is dried, ground and ingested, it thins the blood and strengthens internal organs, helping to prevent heart attacks, and has the side effect of reducing anxiety and panic.



Cat’s Tail

Cat’s Tail
Cat's Tail is a small plant with long, thin, spear-shaped leaves rising from its base, and a single long, thin, soft flower at the top of the stalk. This herb, when made into a salve, will heal all damage to a person's feet if applied during a short rest.


The colerte is a plant with large leaves and pretty yellow flowers that grows in warm climates at low altitudes. Drinking a colerte infusion before drinking alcohol helps to stay sober. The harmful effects on the brain are eliminated for an hour, but the alcohol is not eliminated from the creature. If too much alcohol is ingested, blackouts can still occur.


The plant has a single golden yellow flower borne at the top of a six-inch-tall stem with long, pinkish woolly scales. These flowers are crushed and mixed with honey, and applied as a poultice to infected wounds in an effort to draw out the infection.


This tree, which can reach 40 feet height, requires mild temperatures and has a thick bark similar to cork, with which wine bottle stoppers are made. But a decoction of covet bark has the property of purifying water. The equivalent of one vial of this preparation eliminates all bacteria in 5 gallons of water. Note however that it only acts on bacteria and microbes, therefore protects against all kinds of diseases, but has no effect on poison.


A small, shrub-like tree that sprouts pink flowers in spring and summer, turning to small fruits resembling dwarf apples in the late summer and early fall. The fruits of Crab Apple can be pulped and used as a poultice for minor wounds and inflammations, and the bark can be used as a numbing agent if applied with alcohol. In addition, the leaves have some anti-bacterial properties when used in solution.


A climbing, vine plant with broad leaves and spikes of several small, white flowers. Cubeb is commonly believed to be repulsive to demons, especially and virulently to incubi and succubi.




A broad-stemmed leafy plant sprouting small bunches of ovular leaves on 2 sides of the many stems. These stems can be cut to produce a milky-clear sap. Each application of Culkas sap will cure one square foot of sunburn.



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