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Valiant: May Roundup

Hallo all! We return to you again with the Valiant roundup for May. The red panda's been on a hot streak as the summer cranks up, and so we've got a full slate of episodes to deliver in this update - we've listed them for you below. Hope you enjoy them!
  CURSEd #27: The Lies We Wear
While reposing at the house of a kind stranger, Dare, Kwyn, and Whisper discover and contemplate some uncomfortable truths about themselves.
  Tails #32: Life-Time Discount
The Drifters visit Laiquedux, a Rantecevangian colony, in search of the Tinkerbelles.
  CURSEd #28: Avvi, Avvi
After escaping from Sundew, the trio continue on their mission - but Sundew and her thralls remain close behind as Dare, Kwyn, and Whisper struggle to come to terms with the revelations of Avvikerene.
  Valiant #37: The Types of Loyalty
The Valiant visit Kasvei to pick up new recruits, one of which has a considerable public following.
  And if you'd like to start from the beginning, the link to Valiant: Season 2 is below!

Valiant: Season 2

  Stay frosty,

The Very Endmost Point of Haly's Summer Camp

Summer Camp Ultra Finish!

First and foremost, let me give a great big congratulations to GM Drake for writing such an outstanding article that it became the measure against which all others in its category (#37, Document, An Important Announcement from One to Many) were held, The First Global Broadcast of the CSS ft. Dusty Runeshine.

When I submitted my feedback to the judges, I wrote, "I is just so clear that THIS was THE article that this writer cared about, from the amount of work that went into just writing that many words, to the stellar artwork, the story, and for holy heckins there is a PLAYLIST of the broadcast! And as a bonus...steampunk otter!!! Hands down, my favorite part is the uniqueness of choosing a radio broadcast."

First and foremost, I love it when I'm offered a theme, and then someone twists it in a new and creative way. The first time I used the document template on World Anvil, I was STUNNED at how broadly the term "document" was interpreted.

And I have a special and specific love for radio and music as documentary devices. While I love parchment and ink, they don't travel into space. Radio does. And art -- including music -- is a much better measure of a people than history (IMO). Art has the power to change people in a way that history can rarely touch.

Beyond all of an immersive writer, I can recognize when something you didn't realize was going to be a Universal Key...suddenly becomes just that and it Ties Everything Together and the flow state kicks in and the words come pouring out of your fingertips like they were simply born straight from the electrical pulses in your brain into the memory core of the World Anvil servers. These pieces are transformative. These pieces are transcendent. These pieces are deserving of all the recognition they can be fairly given.

Finally...heckin's amaze-balls steam-punk space otter DJ, mate.... It's like he read my wish list to Santa. But this was just the cherry on top of the beautiful Radio Rocket Steampunk Sundae that is this article.

Next, I want to give yet another shout-out to E. Christopher Clark. In fairness to everyone who was not expecting prompts 41 and 42, and who still chucked in and wrote them with only hours before the end of Summer Camp...I chose the winner of prompt #41 (Organization, Group Dedicated to Keeping A Secret) randomly. I scrolled up and down the page of submissions until my younger son, Noble, said stop. Then, Hippie rolled a d12, and that place on the page was the winner.

I always love it when esoteric words inspire An Entire Thing. It makes me happy deep down in the pit of my solar plexus. Especially because I knew already what tenebris meant from way back in the olden days when Mark and I were writing spycraft stories together. Sigh! Those were the days, and reading this was a surprisingly refreshing flashback. And while our tenebris was not protecting White Block Secrets as Chris's is, I can say we were role-playing it on AOL, can see the immediate connection.

Are You A Completionist?

I am!

And because of it, I wrote for all 42 prompts during Summer Camp. And, because that didn't take up enough of my time, I also made this spiffy Platinum Towel badge for everyone who, like me, just couldn't let it go!

After all, how were we supposed to ignore the call of sweet knowledge? If 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything, then surely we owe it to ourselves and to the world to do our best to strive for that answer whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Even if we have to create a world in order to figure out those answers.

Summer Camp 2023 Platinum Towel 42/42
by Haly, the Moonlight Bard/Canva

Just When We Thought We Were Done...

Along came Dimi and gave us two more prompts, right at the end of the month-long journey that is World Anvil Summer Camp. And because we are


we wrote them. All of them. All 42 of them.

We wrote until our brains were numb. We wrote until the words dribbled out of our bleeding fingertips. We wrote way too late at night, and way too early in the morning. We wrote in the interval of shows. We wrote in the park, and in the hotel, and in the car. Some of us even wrote on the plane, and in the loo, and in the bath.

But in the end, we got it done: a bare minimum of 12,600 new words in our world-building projects. And for that monumental achievement...we deserve this digital doodad.

Claim this badge if you answered all 42 prompts for Summer Camp 2023 using [imgblock:4791498] or [img:4791498].


My Own Summer Camp

I've said it so much already, but I'm going to say it again, here. This summer has been a huge bushel of growth and achievement and taking big risks. I've developed my world, I've developed my writing, I've developed a writing circle, I've developed friendships.

For Summer Camp, I wrote all 42 prompts, 40 of them as actual competition pieces. (I was judging 2 of the prompts.) I'm pleased to say that one was shortlisted, and one placed! So much love to Chris L and LexiCon (WordiGirl). Not only are these two writers who I admire, and people who are quickly becoming friends, but they are incredible peers who shone a light on my work this Summer Camp!

In addition, I want to give an ENORMOUS shout-out to everyone who read my work for their Summer Reading Challenge! So many of you gave me such wonderful feedback, asked insightful questions, and sent me sooo muuuuch loooove that I'm overflowing with all of the feels. Legit, I occasionally just break into tears when I stop to think about how this community has embraced me and my weird little world of waterlogged wiseacres.

Coming Soon to Patreon...

Based on his wonderful popularity, I think that Victor the Vermin will be the new featured artwork on my Patreon merch at the Full Moon level. Right now, I'm planning to have a new Victor piece with the same "Eat the Rich, Devour the Truth" slogan, exclusively for stickers, mugs, tees, and hoodies. (Currently, all of my Patreon and Ko-fi support is going toward upgrading my WA membership.)

Don't Forget...Twitch Streams M-F!

Co-work with me at every weekday (Monday through Friday) from 4-6 pm Eastern. Together, we'll accomplish those big tasks in small bites! We normally work in 20-minute intervals, then we have a planned break to stretch-empty-refill, then play a game for a few minutes before going back to work. It's a play on the oft-used pomodoro technique. I find it to be a great way go get through (most of) my ADD struggles and actually get things done!

So, bring your world-building, your writing, your fiberwork, your homework, your term paper, your laundry, or those veggies you need to prep, and let's make some progress, 20 minutes at a time!

Oh, and My Newsletter!

Just like you, I'm more than my World Anvil. (Though, it is a big part of me!) So if you enjoy what I give you here, there's so very much more waiting for you in my "What's Good?" Newsletter!! If you enjoy things like board games, recipes, my great photos, interesting tidbits about words (such as a list of 20 amazing collective nouns for animals), and occasionally knowing where I'll be making convention and event appearences, then head to and sign up now! (You should get a pop-up, but if not, then there is a simple form at the bottom of the home page!)

Until next time, friends...take care of yourself, and take care of each other!



Woop!   My kickstarter got funded super quick and we've already reached the first stretch goal ("art prints" like the last time). I'm still working on the art but time for editing the text is a little bit tight. But we'll manage.   I won't have time to work on my submission for the new WA Challenge until the end of the month...but that's fine. Because I can't choose which character I should work on. I have so many ideas for bards in all of my worlds. XD;;   Any of you folks joining the challenge?

Take the Challenge

Institutions of Learning

How do people learn in your world?

Suggest an article to be featured