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Valiant: May Roundup

Hallo all! We return to you again with the Valiant roundup for May. The red panda's been on a hot streak as the summer cranks up, and so we've got a full slate of episodes to deliver in this update - we've listed them for you below. Hope you enjoy them!
  CURSEd #27: The Lies We Wear
While reposing at the house of a kind stranger, Dare, Kwyn, and Whisper discover and contemplate some uncomfortable truths about themselves.
  Tails #32: Life-Time Discount
The Drifters visit Laiquedux, a Rantecevangian colony, in search of the Tinkerbelles.
  CURSEd #28: Avvi, Avvi
After escaping from Sundew, the trio continue on their mission - but Sundew and her thralls remain close behind as Dare, Kwyn, and Whisper struggle to come to terms with the revelations of Avvikerene.
  Valiant #37: The Types of Loyalty
The Valiant visit Kasvei to pick up new recruits, one of which has a considerable public following.
  And if you'd like to start from the beginning, the link to Valiant: Season 2 is below!

Valiant: Season 2

  Stay frosty,

Valiant: October Roundup

Hallo all! We're a little late this month due to a post-Halloween sugar coma, but we're back with a roundup of the Valiant episodes the red panda stashed in his candy hoard last month - we've listed them below for you, along with a synopsis for each one. Hope you enjoy them!   Tails #27: Kaldt Fjell‌
‌The Drifters tour Redleaf, while Jazel and his mother visit Kaldt Fjell, the mountain of the witches.   Covenant #28: The Claim‌‌
The Congress winds down to its conclusion, but one final surprise is in store for the closing conference.   CURSEd #23: Laughing Matters
The Peacekeepers meet at Grayspur, the original site of the Songbird Incident, to escort the Dragine artifact back to the HQ.   Valiant #33: The Gift of Hate
Songbird teaches the new recruits about firearms safety, encounters Kori, and reflects on his upbringing.   And if you'd like to start from the beginning, the link to Valiant: Season 2 is below!  

Valiant: Season 2

  Stay frosty,


*gurgles* I've got a I just want to go and sleep. But NaNoWriMo has just started for me so I have to write at least 900 words before I get to go to bed. XD;;
  Written the first scene.... it is very short. XD;; I'll show it off. Don't mind that it's not pretty and maybe not making that much sense. I've got a cold. XD;;
  The old wall clock continued ticking as Web opened and closed his mouth. The room wasn’t empty. He should leave as quickly and quietly as he had arrived, but he could not tear his eyes away from the body on the floor. She had to be alive, but he could not sense any signs of life. That was why he had entered this room in the first place. It was supposed to be empty. He had planned to just enter, nick an item and then leave. He could still do that.
  Web blinked and shook his head. He couldn’t do that. But he couldn’t stay either. He looked over at the clock and frowned, 7:30 am, he couldn’t stay. The dorm manager would be checking the rooms soon.
  Web’s sight strayed back to the body on the floor. She lay flat on her stomach. Her long light brown hair covered her head, parts of the floor and one of her hands. She wore a large pink cardigan and black leggings. He couldn’t see any blood on any of her clothes. He could turn her around and check that she was alright. Maybe he was wrong. She might still be alive. He took a step closer to her.
  Before Web reached her he noticed parts of a jumping rope around her neck. He took a step back again. She was dead. His stomach started heaving. He had to leave, before he left any evidence of his presence in this room.
  Web pulled on a thread of reality and pushed through the weave, leaving the room empty once again.


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