Can I do a regular journal post here to chronicle... uh, things? Maybe. We'll try loooool.   WA Stuff
I'm trying to participate in more WA contests, so we're giving the Bestiary a try! I thought it would be cool to do a distinctive animal from each inhabitable planet in my universe (26 of them, plus the Legion ships) so that's what I'm doing. The going is slow (as always lol) but here's what I've got completed so far:

    Publishing Stuff
At the end of January, the American Library Association (ALA) had its Youth Media Awards (YMAs), and my latest book Black Bird, Blue Road got the Sydney Taylor Book Award Honor for Middle Grade. All three of my books have this award, so that's a hat trick for me! The best thing about getting this award is that I already have a bunch of stickers leftover from when my other two got it, so I could slap shiny stickers on my copies immediately! YAY STICKERS!   Grown Adult Job Stuff
In real life, I'm a mental health professional and I have significant work history and education in trauma, critical care, and disaster medicine. I love talking about all those things, especially with authors who are looking for more accurate information for their stories. So if you'd like to ask me some questions, please do! You can contact me here or on Discord at Sofi (she/her/gremlin)#6653.   Stay sweet,