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Tales from Aran'sha - August 2024

Ahlan wa sahlan, my dearest friends! It's been another month and each month seems to be crazier than the one before. Today, we'll bring new stories and tales from #Aransha. Summercamp has come and gone and now..we reaped our rewards. Take a seat in the shadows, have an iced tea and lets recap august!    

#Summercamp Aftermath

  I did not expect the incredible outpour of love I received this month. Not only did I make it onto three shortlists ( that I know of) and was mentioned in an incredible 33 reading challenges - no, all of you had one more surprise for me in store.
Just when the award ceremony was almost over you people hit me with the "Most Improved" Award.

I kinda blanked out for few seconds when that happened. at me screen and struggled to find words to write (I still am). So: let me just say thank you from the bottom of my heart to every single one of you.  

Subscriber Madness

  And while we are speaking of thanking people - Aran'sha hit 100 subscribers! Thats an incredible milestone that I did not expect to reach for quite a while- but you brought me from 50 subscribers to 100 in just 2 months! And all of that before Aran'sha turned one year.So again, thanks to everyone who took the time to read, like or subscribe to my tales. I appreciate every single one of you.  
And now we hit our third milestone to top it all off:

Aran'sha is turning one year!

And to celebrate that I'll be hosting my very own challenge:
The longest journey - A traveller’s challenge
Generic article | Sep 11, 2024

Even more stuff!

  Whats up next? Well, I've not forgotten any of the ideas from last month. So there's that and of course Mystember. We will travel a bit more into the plains and learn about the gnoll bonespeakers, maybe do some culinary exploration and I will revamp a few categories. And finally, this is the time to get some of my TTRPG houserules on paper.    

Tales from distant lands...

This time I have two shining jewels for you!

Firstly, there is this helpful gem:
  An article series written by Catoblepon, known for the wonderful worlds "Shattered" and "Iphars"(if you dont know them yet, what are you waiting for?).
What is the series about you ask? All things competitions.Everything from what judges may expect from youto handling planning and pressure, Catoblepon will guide you trough and offer you ideas and suggestions. So, click the link below and learn a bit more what it means to enter competitions:  

And here is our second gem of the month:
  Written by the talented CrazyEddie, this months fantastic world will keep you reading for hours:   In the world of Koria, an unstable peace exists among people since the Spiral, a bottomless abyss opened. Demons emerged, causing chaos and havoc until they could be pushed back and the Black Fortress was built to contain them. Now, life continues outside the fortress in an unstable peace, while inside, Mortal Gods battle for glory and survival.
    And this is the end of todays story! See you next month with new tales from Aran'sha. And if you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to dm me or leave a comment - I'd love to hear from you!

Tales from Aran'sha - July 2024

Ahlan wa sahlan, my dear friends! Once again I bring new stories and tales from #Aransha. Summercamp has come and gone and the sands have been blessed. Take a seat in the shadows, have an iced tea and lets recap July!  


My first summercamp - it was certainly a wild ride with unexpected prompts, strange turns and a lot of cool ideas being spawned. After the dust settled, I reached GOLD - instead of the bronze I had aimed for. And while at it, I had created some really important articles for my world - want to know which ones? Look here: Tyrdals Summercamp Page

If you want a taste of Aran'sha, I especially recommend these three:
The Eclipse
Mirah Al'kadir
The End of Days: A Shattered Land

I could have not done half of it without my accountability buddy Koragath, who was not only a great brainstorming partner but also a betatester for my articles more than once. Thank you again (also, check out Gokrenxia, its gotten even more incredible during Summercamp!  

Reading Challenge! #whatIamReading

So, now we go on to the reading challenge - I've so, so many articles to read (915 notifications to be accurate), but I'll do my best. I already have some articles in mind that blew me away, but I also want to find some small, new worlds that don't have many followers yet. There are incredible stories out there - go find them! Expect a reading challenge article in a few days - and until then check out the astonishing work of Satrium made to track who's mentioned in those reading challenge articles - you can find it here.    

Even more stuff!

Whats up next? Well, Aran'sha is going places. I have gotten so many ideas trough summercamp, I hardly know where to start. New CSS ideas, Layouts, templates. As for content, expect to hear more about the - Children of the plains out west, the kaharan people, the pantheon... and I still have to do all the things from my pledge! In a slightly unrelated note - my challenge is coming along nicely, I'm already pondering badges - so expect that to be a thing soon!  

Tales from distant lands...

Our time, my dear friends, draws to a close already. But I would not dare letting you go without a taste from the wondrous worlds that are out there: My friends, tonight we will visit a (few of a) million islands- written by Demongrey - he has a new article every single day for over a year now!
The Million Islands

Adventures in the Great Ring

  His wonderful world has everything an explorer could wish for - strange new vistas, new people, ancient and new sights that awe and shock. There are a million island in the great ring - and every single one is different, beautiful and stranger than the one before. So, join me while we begin a journey beyond the frontier, into a world where even belief is more than you think...     See you next month with new tales from Aran'sha! And if you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to dm me or leave a comment - I'd love to hear from you!    


Ahlan wa sahlan, my dear friends! Its time again for another tale from #Aransha. Summercamp is coming and the desert is hot as usual. Take a seat in the shadows, have an iced tea and lets recap june!  


  Well, everyone's excited by now, right? So am I! I finished my pledge (you can read all about it here:
Tales from Aran'sha - Summercamp Edition
I even managed to write down some article ideas as additional homework - if you want, chime in with some comments, really like to hear from you!   I can't wait to see what incredible articles the community comes up with.

New Subscribers!

  I've had an incredible influx of subscribers this month that left me speechless - over 20 new wanderers follow Aran'sha now for a total of 63! Thank you all so very much - I'm excited to have you join me and you're a huge part of all this.

Another Challenge! #GloriousFood

  Well, Aran'sha won another unoffical challenge - Food, glorious Food! My rewrite of Ria'm was seemingly just the right flavor for the judges of this wonderful challenge. Check out the winners HERE.
Item | Jul 29, 2024

There were so many awesome and delicious entries in this, I was completely blindsided by reaching first place. I recommend you check out all the winners, especially Mochis Desert Cuisine (which was an incredible boost of inspiration for me).
Lastly I want to mention a personal runner up of the match from Blue Fairy 74 with Moon Soup - just an incredible article!

Even more challenges - #Botanica2024, #TuneJune2024 and Show your colors !

  Okay, this is a rough one, I decided beginning of the month to do all three challenges. But (yes, there is always a but..) I was on vacation for a week - so time was already short. Luckily, the same article turned out to fit for Show your colors and TuneJune, I only have to finish it. I'm late on Botanica, but not too worried, I can do this! So here is what I'm gonna enter (I will update the links once the articles are available and send out notifications):   Botanica by BasicDragon - Not quite decided yet, but I will update it asap
Show Your Colors by Those2nerds - Kaharan Bellydancing
TuneJune 2024 by Tillerz - Kaharan Bellydancing

Tales from distant lands...

  Come closer, my dear friends, for I have wondrous stories to tell. Each month this segment will show you new distant lands to visit. This month we will make the journey to magical Uclandia (written by the wonderful Dragonquillca, a fellow WAWA nominee). But dont take my word for it, take it from Dragonquill herself:   Uclandia is a land where magic weaves through the very fabric of existence. This low-tech, enchanted continent brims with unique creatures, mysterious races, and otherworldly beings that defy imagination.
Born from the whims of divine Goddesses and shaped by the meddling of capricious Gods, Uclandia's history is as tumultuous as it is rich. The land is ruled by an unstable mix of imperial greed and unchecked ego—until now.

Come for the adventures. Stay for the Dragons.


Whats next?

You still haven't heard? SUMMERCAMP! Prompts over prompts - and I cant wait to start!   See you next month with new tales from Aran'sha! And if you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to dm me or leave a comment - I'd love to hear from you!    

Tales from Aran'sha - May 2024

Ahlan wa sahlan, my dear friends! This has been one crazy month for #Aransha and there’s a lot to unpack. So...whats happened?  

Best of Worldanvil nominee #WAWA2024

  Aran’sha was nominated for best newcomer - meeting all the other nominees, swapping stories and the award ceremony was a real treat. And while Aran’sha did not win first place in the end, I want to thank everyone who voted for me (and the whole community) from the bottom of my heart.
It was a blast to meet all those other talented people and if you have not already - check out every single one of the nominees!


Look into the stars - #Astralis!:

  Aran’sha WON an unofficial challenge! The celestial circle won first prize in the wonderful challenge
Look into the Stars - #Astralis with a personal rating from the host Blue Fairy 74 for “Wonderful reading pleasure”. (Also, check out Blue Fairy's worlds, they're gorgeous)
    I also recommend to read all about the other winners, as there were a lot of really fantastic articles: Star-sparkling Winners
  Lastly I want to add an honorable mention here for "Stars" by SpyglassRealm - while it was finished too late for the challenge, its an awesome article and deserves a read. Check it out here: STARS


Even more challenges - #FashionMayhem2024 and #Glorious Food !

  Since those two were too good to pass up, I entered two more challenges this month:   Fashion MAYhem by Tillerz with “Kaharan Silk” (check out its sister article Silk Hunters too)
  Food, glorious Food with “Ria'm” - For this I returned to one of my first articles and gave it a complete rewrite!


Whats next?

I’m excited for my first summercamp, TuneJUNE and “the show your colors” challenge. And lets not forget the newest addition, the botany challenge and a bunch of CSS changes to Aran'sha, including a new banner!   See you next month with new tales from Aran'sha! And if you have feedback/suggestions, feel free to dm me or leave a comment.    

A thank you from Aran'sha.

Aran'sha Main Page Cover.png
Ahlan wa sahlan, my dear friends!   Well, it's my first journal entry ever, but when to start if not now? Aran'sha has been nominated for "Best Newcomer". And I simply can't let that stand without thanking everyone in the community for the outstanding support you have given me (be it votes, encouragement, CSS help or simple chatting).   I highly recommend you check out all the nominated worlds below, all of those are fantastic reads and I feel humbled you picked Aran'sha to be among them - and if you decide on Aran'sha as your favorite out of them I'd be happy if you cast a vote for it here .   And to add a a little sneak peak - the Image above will be the new cover picture for Aran'sha once the competition is over!  
  Thanks to Polina "Line" Arteev for making this awesome graphic.     #WAWA2024 #Aransha

Take the Challenge

Institutions of Learning

How do people learn in your world?

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