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Ahlan wa sahlan, my dear friends! Its time again for another tale from #Aransha. Summercamp is coming and the desert is hot as usual. Take a seat in the shadows, have an iced tea and lets recap june!  


  Well, everyone's excited by now, right? So am I! I finished my pledge (you can read all about it here:
Tales from Aran'sha - Summercamp Edition
I even managed to write down some article ideas as additional homework - if you want, chime in with some comments, really like to hear from you!   I can't wait to see what incredible articles the community comes up with.

New Subscribers!

  I've had an incredible influx of subscribers this month that left me speechless - over 20 new wanderers follow Aran'sha now for a total of 63! Thank you all so very much - I'm excited to have you join me and you're a huge part of all this.

Another Challenge! #GloriousFood

  Well, Aran'sha won another unoffical challenge - Food, glorious Food! My rewrite of Ria'm was seemingly just the right flavor for the judges of this wonderful challenge. Check out the winners HERE.
Item | Jul 29, 2024

There were so many awesome and delicious entries in this, I was completely blindsided by reaching first place. I recommend you check out all the winners, especially Mochis Desert Cuisine (which was an incredible boost of inspiration for me).
Lastly I want to mention a personal runner up of the match from Blue Fairy 74 with Moon Soup - just an incredible article!

Even more challenges - #Botanica2024, #TuneJune2024 and Show your colors !

  Okay, this is a rough one, I decided beginning of the month to do all three challenges. But (yes, there is always a but..) I was on vacation for a week - so time was already short. Luckily, the same article turned out to fit for Show your colors and TuneJune, I only have to finish it. I'm late on Botanica, but not too worried, I can do this! So here is what I'm gonna enter (I will update the links once the articles are available and send out notifications):   Botanica by BasicDragon - Not quite decided yet, but I will update it asap
Show Your Colors by Those2nerds - Kaharan Bellydancing
TuneJune 2024 by Tillerz - Kaharan Bellydancing

Tales from distant lands...

  Come closer, my dear friends, for I have wondrous stories to tell. Each month this segment will show you new distant lands to visit. This month we will make the journey to magical Uclandia (written by the wonderful Dragonquillca, a fellow WAWA nominee). But dont take my word for it, take it from Dragonquill herself:   Uclandia is a land where magic weaves through the very fabric of existence. This low-tech, enchanted continent brims with unique creatures, mysterious races, and otherworldly beings that defy imagination.
Born from the whims of divine Goddesses and shaped by the meddling of capricious Gods, Uclandia's history is as tumultuous as it is rich. The land is ruled by an unstable mix of imperial greed and unchecked ego—until now.

Come for the adventures. Stay for the Dragons.


Whats next?

You still haven't heard? SUMMERCAMP! Prompts over prompts - and I cant wait to start!   See you next month with new tales from Aran'sha! And if you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to dm me or leave a comment - I'd love to hear from you!    

MAY 2024: Monthly update

Competitions and Challenges

I've had a ton of fun preparing stuff for the Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge. For me, the culmination came on June 1st, when I assembled all the products to make a bread bowl full of sour rye soup. Why not make it before the deadline? I was having so much fun testing new stuff and... got carried away and lost track of time. XD

Here is a special candy treat made by and for the loved ones:  

Honey-nut roses by Angantyr

A massive shoutout to Makenzie Turney a.k.a. moonflower-writing, who hosted the challenge and a massive thank you to all participants. You can find the submissions in the comment section -- all 20+ bursting with flavour and an inspiring story to share.


Foraging and wildlife

I managed to find a few species of edible flowers and leaves. Even though there were too few rainy days, I started a series of articles with Foraging inspirations. Mushrooms, pt. 1 -- the lookalikes. Plans for next parts include: peculiar looks and unique biology. Stay tuned for more!


Climbing the WorldAnvil learning curve

Variables, variables, variables galore. This was my favourite this month as I uesd the Food challenge to write down some quantity-related names. Tables and Content trees were in play as well, but admittedly I didn't give them as much love.


Worldbuilding progress

A handful of new articles on food, which inspired me to go a bit further into where the food comes from, how it is processed and how it shapes the lives of people in my world.

The map and the short story have to wait. Apparently it was not their time, yet.

  Overall May has been pretty eventful, both positively and negatively. What I do hope, is that at the very least there come some neat stories out of it!   Cheers and see you in the coming days. SUMMER CAMP IS ALMOST HERE!!!       #MonthlyUpdate #UnofficialChallenge #GloriousFood #UsingWorldAnvil #ForagingInspirations


  [German original below, this part is translated with deepl ^^]
  There wasn't supposed to be that much going on this month, but with the two unofficial challenges #FashionMayhem2024 and #Glorious Food, it didn't feel like it.
  I actually wanted to finish my Kodo (an animal similar to a rhino) or finally Elmir (I made a bit of progress), but then it was the challenges again. For Fashion MAYhem by Tillerz it was the second basic knowledge article after the one about the spheres last month. In Clothing there is a small overview of clothing in Yenort - surprising, I know.
Generic article | May 26, 2024

  And then I was really looking forward to Food, glorious food by moonflower-writing - so much so, after all, that I cooked a few things as soon as I found out about it. I would have had pictures for four to five articles and the Tandera pot was still pending, but I ended up with two articles, a commonplace dish, patties of Melsen, and a rather luxurious sweet, ezicarrel or sweet nut balls:
Item | Jul 28, 2024
Item | Jul 28, 2024

  And what's next in June? There's still a lot of honourary work to do before the middle of the month, but I've got to get through it. And then there will definitely be some homework and one or two unofficial challenges. #Botanica2024 in any case and then we'll see. Kodos? Elmir? One of the other unfinished or to-be-revised articles? After all, I also want to get further with Stubout 2024. Let's see.
  Eigentlich sollte diesen Monat ja gar nicht so viel los sein, aber mit den beiden inoffiziellen challenges #FashionMayhem2024 und #Glorious Food fühlte es sich nicht so an.
  Eigentlich wollte ich ja mein Kodo (ein Tier ähnlich einem Nashorn) fertig stellen oder doch mal endlich Elmir (ein bisschen kam ich weiter), aber dann waren es doch wieder die Challenges. Für Fashion MAYhem von Tillerz wurde es dann der zweite Grundwissen-Artikel nach dem über die Sphären letzten Monat. In Bekleidung gibt es einen kleinen Überblick über Bekleidung in Yenort – überraschend, ich weiß.
Generic article | May 26, 2024

  Und dann freute ich mich sehr auf Food, glorious Food von moonflower-writing – so sehr immerhin, dass ich mach Bekanntwerden bereits einiges kochte. Bilder hätte ich für vier bis fünf Artikel gehabt und der Tandera-Topf stand auch noch aus, aber es wurden immerhin zwei Artikel, ein Allerweltsgericht, die Melsenbratlinge, und eine ziemlich luxuriöse Süßigkeit, die Ezicarrel oder auch Süßnusskugeln:
Item | Jul 28, 2024
Item | Jul 28, 2024

  Und was folgt jetzt im Juni? Bis zur Monatshälfte noch einiges an Ehrenamt, aber gut, da muss ich durch. Und hier folgen wohl auf jeden Fall Hausaufgaben und dann gegebenenfalls die ein oder andere inoffizielle Challenge. #Botanica2024 wohl auf jeden Fall und dann mal sehen. Kodos? Elmir? Einer der anderen unfertigen oder zu überarbeitenden Artikel? Immerhin will ich auch mal bei Stubout 2024 weiter kommen. Schauen wir mal.

Tales from Aran'sha - May 2024

Ahlan wa sahlan, my dear friends! This has been one crazy month for #Aransha and there’s a lot to unpack. So...whats happened?  

Best of Worldanvil nominee #WAWA2024

  Aran’sha was nominated for best newcomer - meeting all the other nominees, swapping stories and the award ceremony was a real treat. And while Aran’sha did not win first place in the end, I want to thank everyone who voted for me (and the whole community) from the bottom of my heart.
It was a blast to meet all those other talented people and if you have not already - check out every single one of the nominees!


Look into the stars - #Astralis!:

  Aran’sha WON an unofficial challenge! The celestial circle won first prize in the wonderful challenge
Look into the Stars - #Astralis with a personal rating from the host Blue Fairy 74 for “Wonderful reading pleasure”. (Also, check out Blue Fairy's worlds, they're gorgeous)
    I also recommend to read all about the other winners, as there were a lot of really fantastic articles: Star-sparkling Winners
  Lastly I want to add an honorable mention here for "Stars" by SpyglassRealm - while it was finished too late for the challenge, its an awesome article and deserves a read. Check it out here: STARS


Even more challenges - #FashionMayhem2024 and #Glorious Food !

  Since those two were too good to pass up, I entered two more challenges this month:   Fashion MAYhem by Tillerz with “Kaharan Silk” (check out its sister article Silk Hunters too)
  Food, glorious Food with “Ria'm” - For this I returned to one of my first articles and gave it a complete rewrite!


Whats next?

I’m excited for my first summercamp, TuneJUNE and “the show your colors” challenge. And lets not forget the newest addition, the botany challenge and a bunch of CSS changes to Aran'sha, including a new banner!   See you next month with new tales from Aran'sha! And if you have feedback/suggestions, feel free to dm me or leave a comment.    

MAY 2024: Weekly update no. 3

Competitions and Challenges

The large portion of the experiments is now done and time for actual cooking and writing will start tomorrow. Looking forward to it, since I'll be making one of my favourite dishes, but with a medieval/ancient twist on it.


Foraging and wildlife

No good luc with the elderflower lemonade. The flowers withered super fast as I saved them for later (for the lack of time). Wood-growing mushrooms start to appear but there is yet too little rain for typically foraged species (Porcini, Chantarelle) to be found in my neighbourhood. There's news of Chicken of the Woods making its appearance around Poland, so maybe visiting a more remote deciduous wood is an idea.

When visiting my parents I collected grape leaves of 4 different varieties, having some bigger ones (more tanic and hard) and smaller (glistening, acidic and fragile). They are waiting in salted water untill I make a use of them, possibly for something similar to dolmas mentioned by ShadowPoenix. ;)

With Foraging inspirations. Mushrooms, pt. 1 -- the lookalikes I'm starting a series dedicated to #ForagingInspirations. Prepare for a fair dose of nerdy knowledge. Mushrooms are strange but also interestingly strange and can serve as a prop, right next to plants, animals and forces of nature. The article includes some real-life lookalikes, how they can be mistaken and whether the mistake will be deadly or not. I've included a short scene example at the end.


Climbing the WorldAnvil learning curve

This is how the unrendered variables look like in the text (specifically in Euclid) by Angantyr
This week I experimented some more with Variables. While I have previously started small with variables for placenames:
  • Cymru
  • Gáláwá
  • Brûdhe
  • this time around I wanted to make something more complex.

    The above examples are "Type Simple", which means you get two fields: ey (which you see above) and Value (which appears as a tooltip). What gives even more flexibility is the "Type Rendered", which permits the use of BBcode, containers, etc. With containers it gets very powerful, since I basically get a segment, which can be CSS tailored in a thousand and one ways. But even with the ability to fit "aloud" boxes, tables and such, this gives quite an edge and enables one to have a big portion of information to be maintained in a single place. I have used these for content warning boxes. More on that in the next update.


    Worldbuilding progress

    More stubs and notes on which flavour pairings worked and which did not. Finally getting down to writing, after the foraging article is published. So now all hands on deck with the Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge.

        That's it! I'll be back with a weekly update somewhere around this extended weekend (monday included, as usual).   Take care and have a splendid week!     #WeeklyUpdate #UnofficialChallenge #GloriousFood #UsingWorldAnvil #ForagingInspirations

    MAY 2024: Weekly update no. 2

    Competitions and Challenges

    I'm happy to announce, that this week was very productive! The kitchen has officially been reestablished as my laboratory to experiment with flavour, shapes and texture. I particularly loved the desserts and some of them will likely appear more often in real life. This challenge started off as an experiment to add some cooking traditions to Ædeos but inspired me to look more into "I wonder how this ingredient could be transformed into something new and interesting?" The battle continues and this week will mark some recipe wrap-up in the form of drafts of articles.

    Preparing for the curing process by Angantyr
    Sweet dessert made of honey and nuts by Angantyr
    Robinia flowers in a pancake dough

    Foraging and wildlife

    I made a first run of elderflower lemonade! The taste is almost there but needs some acidity to balance the swetness. The elderflowers are in full bloom, so this week will go under the flag of flavoured syrups. The robinia flowers were good in pancake dough, but not great. It's gave them a bit of that flowery fragrance but not enough to be truly memorable. Some other recipe called for a paste made of petals and sugar, so I may try that as well.

    This week I'll be visiting my parents and the grape vines I planted a couple of years ago. Young leaves can be stored in salted water and used as a wrap for any type of filling (meat and or rice is the one I stumble upon mostly). Beech leaves are getting tough, but some still have some tartness to them, so I'll get a buch as well.

    And last, but not least, my foraging-inspired article no.1 is aaaalmost finished. I will be focusing on wild mushrooms and their lookalikes, what makes them similar and different and how can you include them in a story. To get you started, here are some of the stars of the upcoming article. Can you recognize some edible mushrooms? How many are edible when raw? Which one is fermented and eaten?


    Climbing the WorldAnvil learning curve

    Saved energy for this week. ;)


    Worldbuilding progress

    Stubs for the Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge have been prepared, as were th first runs of recipes!

        That's it! I'll be back with a weekly update somewhere around this extended weekend (monday included, as usual).   Take care and have a splendid week!     #WeeklyUpdate #UnofficialChallenge #GloriousFood

    MAY 2024: Weekly update no. 1

    Competitions and Challenges

    I had a long week of pondering how to tackle Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge to expand my worldbuilding and came up with several ideas. It sprouted with both, something sweet, and savory. Some products had to be purchased (I don't have my own source of bacon nor honey), but thankfully, the some could be foraged in the nearby forest. First tests will start this week with articles being published some next week or so.


    Foraging and wildlife

    Hot and cold, hot and cold. With early spring came earlier summer and the elderflowers and robinias are already blooming. Time to prepare some wild lemonade and flowers in pancake dough. Bird eye cherry is almost done blooming and I may be late for foraging flowers for oxidation and almond-like flavoured tea. Pine cones are green and tender and soon will be ready to make a pine-cone syrup. Little to no mushrooms, though... Let it RAIN!!!

    I made a good progress with the article about taking inspiration from mushrooms but it's getting too big, so... I'll have to think of ways to break it down into smaller, easily consumable portions.


    Climbing the WorldAnvil learning curve

    Categories got some love and with that a new thing learned -- each category has a page of its own. They can be customized via a drag&drop design tab. The default is Table of contents | Articles (blocks) | Maps/Timelines but unneeded fields can be dropped altogether. There are 5 custom content fields + the usual ones:

  • Table of Contents
  • Maps
  • Timelines
  • Article Blocks
  • Still playing with it to logically navigate the readers and make browsing through the world much easier. But since for that I'll need index Tags, the changes are not implemented yet, and probably won't until a week or two (I fear that even more, but we'll see how it plays out).


    Worldbuilding progress

    No progress in this field, though the preparations are set up and aligned with the Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge.

      That's it! I'll be back with a weekly update somewhere around this extended weekend (monday included).
      Stay safe and have a productive week!
      #WeeklyUpdate #UnofficialChallenge #GloriousFood #UsingWorldAnvil

    MAY 2024: Plans

      Aaand I'm back with a portion of May news and peaks into this month's creative stuff.

    Competitions and Challenges

    Definitely taking part in Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge by moonflower-writing. Foraging wild plants gave me some ideas on how to cook something quirky and tasty. Fingers crossed I will be able to find something wild. If not, I'll just grab something from the market. A wild idea would be to chain several prompts together to make something delish. We'll see, we'll see.


    Foraging and wildlife

    Despite a fairly dry spring, there was enough rain for mushrooms to appear, so spring/summer mushroom foraging is likely to be on my list of "MUST DO" for the upcoming weeks.

    An article or two about using plants and their toxic lookalikes for spicing up a story is under way!


    Climbing the WorldAnvil learning curve

    May will be a good time to put Content Trees, Tags and Variables to good use. The plan is to focus more on Variables and prepare some standardized content, especially for the geographical regions. I have a plan for Generators as well but that's lower on the priority list.


    Worldbuilding progress

      • The map is on its way and should be ready in one form or another.
      • Setting ground rules for the Savenian language. I probably won't have enough information to start building up the words but the general idea should be there.
      • The scene drafts for a short story are ready. Some editing, rearranging and ready to write.

      I'll be posting the updates around the weekends, Mondays included!
      Stay tuned and take care!
      #UnofficialChallenge #GloriousFood #UsingWorldAnvil

    The Food, Glorious Food! Unofficial Challenge starts on the first of May!

    For more details, see:
    Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge
    Generic article | Jun 1, 2024

      #UnofficialChallenge #GloriousFood

    Take the Challenge

    Institutions of Learning

    How do people learn in your world?

    Suggest an article to be featured