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My Writing Goals for 2021 Q2

As I suspected when I decided to do quarterly goals this year, I have had to reevaluate my plans for the year already. There's still another month left in the first quarter but there has been enough change I feel it's appropriate at this point to simply set my second quarter goals now and roll March's progress in with them.   First, an update on my first quarter plans:
  • Write more stories! While I have not written as many as I had hoped for I have indeed been writing. I also spent a lot of time organizing my Facets of Fillimet short story collection, and organizing my future writing intentions. This goal will carry over throughout the year and possibly beyond, although it may shift forms to focus on specific projects.
Narratives of Fillimet
Generic article | Mar 19, 2021

A full list of the Manuscripts and Stories available in the world of Fillimet

  • Progress in my "Creatures of Fillimet" article. This one has changed, as I determined my "Magic of Fillimet" article to be more useful and more important right now. As magic is a major foundation to Fillimet it makes more sense to work that first. Progress has been good, with many magics gaining stronger definitions this quarter. A few of my more recent ones below, as I work on my Divine Magic.
Technology / Science | Mar 13, 2021

Transmutation allows for the transformation of materials, items, or creatures into different materials, items, or creatures. It is an exact science, requiring concentration and an advanced knowledge of the initial subject and its intended new form.

Technology / Science | Feb 18, 2021

Amphikinetics is the magical school pertaining to luck and its manipulation. Successful practicioners must maintain awareness of the possible repercussions of their changes and find ways to offset and rebalance luck.

  • Participate in Kickstarter's February Zine Quest. After much introspection I determined that this year was not the right time for me to run a Kickstarter. I have not abandoned this goal, but rather rescheduled it to 2022. In the meantime I will still be working this one behind the scenes to have a product closer to finalization by ZineQuest next year. Expect to see more Fillimet professions on the horizon, especially as I work through each class of magic.
  As I am sure you have guessed by now, many of my adjusted first quarter goals will carry over into this quarter:  
  1. Write more stories! These will still remain in the form of short stories within articles in all likelihood, although I hope to branch out into more longer (but still short) stories as the quarter progresses.
  2. Continue working the Magic of Fillimet. I hope to have my Divine Magics completed by the end of March, at which point I will pick the next category to work. (I am also open to requests if there's something you want to know.)
  3. Organize Vazdimet. One of my personal goals for the year was to take better care of my mental health, and so I am throwing in a fun side project to my current quarter goals. My world of Vazdimet is a reboot of my science fiction world from high school, rewritten instead as a science fantasy set in Fillimet's far future. I don't plan to be writing much here this quarter, and hence the work in Vazdimet will be largely invisible (excluding Damion Otter's lovely CSS updates), but my old notes will be undergoing a metamorphosis as I determine how best to update them to fit the world's new foundation.
Explore the Universe
Generic article | Jun 15, 2024

What happens to the meaning of faith, family, and life itself when death becomes optional?

  Other smaller plans include writing spells and professions to fit with Fillimet's magic system, and to continue my efforts towards ZineQuest 2022.   How are your goals for 2021 shaping out? Any new directions you have found yourself taking now that we are two months in?   #Vazdimet #Fillimet #Prose #Goals

February Week 1 - Updates

Congratulations to everyone who participated in WorldEmber! There were so many amazing articles and awesome inspirations. I love the whole community spirit WorldEmber invokes every year. This community is amazing and the talent just blows me away.   What was your favorite article? (Yours or another's). Feel free to drop it in the comments!  
  This week was a bit rough, but I still managed to work through some items on my to do list, including two articles and a lot of updates to Facets of Fillimet, where I have been compiling the short stories spread across my world's articles.  
Trace Portal
Spell | Apr 22, 2021

Portal tracing allows a caster to follow the path of a previous portal long after its closure. The ability is especially useful when tracking fleeing magic casters, although clever mages have developed counters to slow or even prevent pursuit.

Technology / Science | Mar 3, 2021

Cryogenics is defined as the science of freezing things below 90 Absolute Degrees (AD) with the aid of a supercooled cryogenic liquid. It has since been replaced with the simpler Hydromancy and Pyromancy for most applications.

  Hephaestus helped with tweaking the colors for the title page, looking at it makes me so happy. I should be all caught up on stories for now, so any future additions to Facets have not been written yet. I even included my first Patron only story, originally intended for an article until the words kept coming and the story grew too long.

Facets of Fillimet, Vol 1

  This coming week my main focus will be on the remaining aspects of Divine Magic within Fillimet. I am really looking forward to writing them out in more detail!  
  From elsewhere in WorldAnvil, a few things worthy of mention that may be of interest...   Go check out 's Operation Thingamajig Kickstarter if you haven't already. And you definitely want to watch the video, especially if you need a laugh. <3
Operation Thingamajig: Kickstarter
Generic article | Feb 3, 2021

Kickstarter live now!

  Then take a look at this call for Advanced Copy Readers from the wonderful Amy Winters-Voss for her debut novel for Liminal Chronicles! If you enjoy Japanese Urban Fantasy (and history) you may want to consider signing up for an opportunity to obtain an advanced copy of her novel in exchange for a review.
Call for Guardian ARC Readers! {Closed}
Generic article | Sep 12, 2024

Sign up to be an ARC Reader for Rise: The Liminal Chronicles Book 1!

  The Artketplace is now open for business! A group project run by , Damion Otter, and , the Artketplace is intended as a way to find and advertise services from art to editing to CSS. For more details on how it works, check out this article:
Guide to The Artketplace
Generic article | Jan 19, 2021
  Ethnis and BasicDragon have Kickstarter's pending for sometime mid month, as well. Is anyone else working on an exciting project?   #Vazdimet #Fillimet

January Updates

This has been a busy but productive week. I decided to delay launching my Kickstarter until 2022 (I have a longer writeup in my Patreon if you are seeking more details), which will allow me more opportunity to flesh out the core aspects of Fillimet while also better supporting those in our WorldAnvil community who will be Kickstarting this year.   This week I also released three articles detailing the technology of cryonic freezing, and some corollary articles to dove into different aspects of its effects on Fillimet.
Technology / Science | Mar 3, 2021

Cryonics describes the expert use of Hydromancy to slowly freeze and then store organic tissues or even corpses.

Species | Jan 30, 2021

Zombies are physical, soulless bodies belonging to healed, formerly dead individuals who have declined to return to their mortal bodies after their souls have ascended to the higher planes.

Condition | Feb 4, 2021

Skinlodgers are individuals granted a second chance at mortal life. Their souls are temporarily bound in the body of another, after the death of the original owner of the host body.

  This week expect to see more details about the different classifications of Divine Magic in Fillimet. I have already written about Necromancy, Metamagic, Divination, and Chronomancy, but I have many more planned!  
I also had the opportunity to catch up on my reading this past week. Here are several articles that really stood out to me:
Species | Jan 28, 2021
An Introduction to APRA
Generic article | Feb 24, 2021
Morrigan Heron
Character | Jun 4, 2022
  And also a few articles from a Secret Santa, where members of the WorldAnvil community have written stories or adventures in another member's worlds. These are definitely worth reading!
Obsidian Journey
Prose | Nov 14, 2020

A fantasy short story by DaniAdventures, set in World Anvilite Krostatina's world of S'ard!

Prose | Dec 16, 2020
    #Vazdimet #Fillimet #Update

My Writing Goals for 2021 Q1

Following advice from Dani I will be setting quarterly goals this year for my writing. This allows me to reevaluate my plans throughout the year and maintain realistic goals as things change.   My plans for the first quarter of this new year:
  1. Write more stories! This will likely manifest as more story snippets in articles for the moment, but hopefully expand into more stand alone stories as the year progresses.
  3. Progress in my "Creatures of Fillimet" article, giving an idea of the inhabitants of Fillimet. If this is ready to publish this quarter that would be awesome! But this is going to be a large article and also requires a lot of work to redo some older species articles so my official goal is simply to finish the structure layout and the sapient species section.
  5. February is Kickstarter's Zine Quest, and this year I intend to participate with my own Zine offering. With Fillimet I have put a lot of thought into professions, especially as they relate to the availability of magic. I intend to provide a Zine to help worldbuilders and GMs add more flavor to what people do in their world. (More details to follow!)
  As a more personal note, I am also intending to take better care of myself. The year 2020 involved a lot of caring for others and I got lost at a few points. I intend to do better this year.   I feel these are all doable, and I look forward to checking in next quarter with updates and new goals.   What are your plans for 2021?   #Vazdimet #Fillimet #Goals

More Music

The amazing Elias Alija has outdone himself again in writing a new piece for my icy continent of Igoris. You can listen to the song on Igoris' page, and find his other pieces on my world's music page.  
Geographic Location | Mar 18, 2021

Igoris is a continent of icy glaciers and unpredictable magic. While the continent provides a hostile environment for the researchers probing to learn its secrets, Igoris provides a haven for the variety of life which has adapted to the unrelenting ice.

Music of Fillimet
Generic article | Feb 27, 2021

This page is a collection of available songs and musical themes of Fillimet, as well as a compilation of my intentions of future commissions.

  For those of you thinking "I should commission music for my own world and writing"... Yes. Yes, you absolutely should. And I highly recommend Elias (Santimontali on Fiverr) who is a joy to work with and makes the process very easy.   #Vazdimet #Fillimet #Music

Take the Challenge

Institutions of Learning

How do people learn in your world?

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