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JUNE 2024: (last) weekly update


  1. life is slowly stabilizing and I got back to planning for the Summer Camp
  2. the Summer Camp themes (change, refuge, belief, decay) fit very well the ancient times of Ædeos
  3. I started a series called #DailyInspirations, aiming to inspire myself and everyone interested right before teh Summer Camp
  4. I'm working on the Savenian conlang (finally!!!) >:)


General stuff

Following Kummer Wolfe's example of making article copies of journal entries I've made one myself for the Inspirations category, both for Foraging Inspirations and Daily Inspirations. Generally if you're looking for inspiring articles from the World Anvil Community, Kummer Wolfe's list is a good place to start.


Competitions and Challenges

All themes have been released! The pledge and homework waits for an update for homeworks 2, 3 and 4. Real life is stabilizing, so hopefully I'll get it done before the Copper prompt release. I can safely say, however, that my choice of ancient times in Ædeos for this Summer Camp proves to be the good one. The themes are on my side at the moment. We'll see if the promprs are as well.


Foraging and wildlife

Last Tuesday I started a series called #DailyInspirations with the aim to kill time until Summer Camp and get at least a little daily bite of worldbuilding. There's a little bit of everything, but most of my inspirations come from my contacts (and sometimes too close enounters) with nature. It gave me a nice boost of confidence and a sense of being productive, so I'm happy.


Climbing the WorldAnvil learning curve

Saving up energy for the Summer Camp.


Worldbuilding progress

I've started digging into the language roots of the Savenian language and the progress is satisfying. I'm not sure if this will be enough to make some stubs for the conlang but I'll definitely give it a try!


Plans for the rest of june

I want to make a daily series of inspiration entries that will make use of the released themes. Not only #ForagingInspirations, but mostly stuff I come across. We'll see how it goes with the family stuff, though.

Mission accomplished! :)


  Have a wonderful week and stay safe! ;)
  The Summer Camp is almost upon us!
  #WeeklyUpdate #SummerCamp

JUNE 2024: weekly update


  1. I modified my world's CSS to take care of text justifying and paragraph indent.
  2. Life has become crazier due to unforseen family stuff so with work to be done, worldbuilding is becoming... challenging (not the challenge I was expecting this summer; pun not intended)
  3. I prepared the draft default content warning message boxes to be used in the Article Credit section: dedication, info, caution!, warning!!, danger!!!
  4. I plan to post daily inspirations for the Summr Camp, related to stuff I come across


Competitions and Challenges

With little time I have right now, the pledge and homework was not updated. Currently released themes:

  • change
  • refuge
  • belief
  • fit super neatly to what I have in mind for the worldbuilding. In short, I want to focus on ancient times, when the religion, professions, and traditions I describe as common in most articles, THIS SUMMER will be seen as something new and budding, causing major shifts in people's lives, both positive and negative. I will make one more update when the Diamond theme is released.


    Foraging and wildlife

    There's button mushrooms growing everywhere! XD Near the houses, right by the street, near the parks, near the metro station. A super fun source of inspiration! Something common and edible (at least the park ones would be safe to eat if the species is right) but regarded with caution because of the circumstances. People often perceive things wild and untamed as dangerous, even though this is just mostly an emotional block, not rational. The button mushroom is a great example of that. It's not that it is not safe by itself. By going to the market one can ease the fear of the unknown (is that REALLY edible) by trusting the seller. The seller is the authority on edibility in that particular situation. Another thing that transpires is that this means people don't trust themselves enough to take the risk.

    There's a bit of everything to be used this Summer Camp:

  • CHANGE - long time ago people had to rely on self-picked or self-grown vegetables, mushrooms, ...
  • REFUGE - people run away from taking the risk to learn something new, which is part of the learning process
  • BELIEF - a common belief is that authorities will "know better", so it's easier to trust them, e.g., food crop suppliers, bakers, water suppliers...


    Climbing the WorldAnvil learning curve

    Not yet, but I have the message boxes ready to be transfered to the Advanced variables. These include:

  • dedication - for articles I want to dedicate to a particular person or a group
  • info - for information stuff, most probably to be modified in several forms to be used in articles on lore, to let the reader know it's important
  • caution! warning!! danger!!! - three content warning boxes for general safety purposes. I need to prepare a class for blurring the content (maybe color coded) and use Subscriber roles for lifting it up. This would let users choose whether they want to hide particular content, e.g., emotional trauma is fine, but gore is not.


    Worldbuilding progress

    Thinking hard on the Summer Camp themes. No stubs have been harmed in the process.


    Plans for the rest of june

    I want to make a daily series of inspiration entries that will make use of the released themes. Not only #ForagingInspirations, but mostly stuff I come across. We'll see how it goes with the family stuff, though.


      Have a wonderful week, take care and stay safe! ;)
      #WeeklyUpdate #UsingWorldAnvil #ForagingInspirations #SummerCamp

    JUNE 2024: PLANS + a tiny update


    1. I submitted the Summer Camp 2024 pledge and finished week 1 homework
    2. Played with Content Trees to show the tree-like structure of tags in my new system for Summer Camp 2024
    3. June starts a bit tiring but we're not giving up! There's Summer Solstice, the beaufitul storms coming, vacation!!!
    4. Preparations for Summer Camp continue
    5. Found an interesting (and edible) mushroom!


    Competitions and Challenges

    The preparation for Summer Camp are going fast! With the week 1 homework and the pledge done I'm taking a small break due to some real-world stuff. In my spare time I'm thinking of how "Change" and "Refuge", week 1 and week 2 themese, respectively, are reflected in my world.


    Foraging and wildlife

    Finally!!! After a good deal of rain, the mushrooms have started to bloom and I managed to find the pheasant's back also known as the dryad's saddle. One of the tastier fungi that grow on wood and can get stupidly large (up to 1 meter in diameter?). Freshly picked smell fresh and very similar to green cucumbers. I'll nerd about them a bit more in the coming days with a focus on #ForagingInspirations.


    Climbing the WorldAnvil learning curve

    Content Trees were my favourite this week, for their tree-like structure. I used them to prepare Tags for the SummerCamp and get a bit more organised on my Tag System (a follow-up on a story from a few months back :)). So, for example all articles written during this Summer Camp will get a tag events-challenges-summercamp-2024. Admittedly this will make the tags longer but I find comfort in how they are descriptive and self-explanatory.

    I promised to show the examples of Type Advanced Variables as Content Warning Boxes but a lot happened (is happening) and I didn't get to finish them. :( However, since CSS is part of this week's Summer Camp Homework, I'll be taking my time to fiddle with it a bit more.


    Worldbuilding progress

    Gathering strengths for WorldEm... for Summer Camp.


    Plans for june

    The plan is to take care of myself, while tending to family stuff and balancing that with Summer Camp Prep.


      I hope you all a wonderful week. Take care and stay safe! ;)
      #WeeklyUpdate #UsingWorldAnvil #ForagingInspirations #SummerCamp

    MAY 2024: Monthly update

    Competitions and Challenges

    I've had a ton of fun preparing stuff for the Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge. For me, the culmination came on June 1st, when I assembled all the products to make a bread bowl full of sour rye soup. Why not make it before the deadline? I was having so much fun testing new stuff and... got carried away and lost track of time. XD

    Here is a special candy treat made by and for the loved ones:  

    Honey-nut roses by Angantyr

    A massive shoutout to Makenzie Turney a.k.a. moonflower-writing, who hosted the challenge and a massive thank you to all participants. You can find the submissions in the comment section -- all 20+ bursting with flavour and an inspiring story to share.


    Foraging and wildlife

    I managed to find a few species of edible flowers and leaves. Even though there were too few rainy days, I started a series of articles with Foraging inspirations. Mushrooms, pt. 1 -- the lookalikes. Plans for next parts include: peculiar looks and unique biology. Stay tuned for more!


    Climbing the WorldAnvil learning curve

    Variables, variables, variables galore. This was my favourite this month as I uesd the Food challenge to write down some quantity-related names. Tables and Content trees were in play as well, but admittedly I didn't give them as much love.


    Worldbuilding progress

    A handful of new articles on food, which inspired me to go a bit further into where the food comes from, how it is processed and how it shapes the lives of people in my world.

    The map and the short story have to wait. Apparently it was not their time, yet.

      Overall May has been pretty eventful, both positively and negatively. What I do hope, is that at the very least there come some neat stories out of it!   Cheers and see you in the coming days. SUMMER CAMP IS ALMOST HERE!!!       #MonthlyUpdate #UnofficialChallenge #GloriousFood #UsingWorldAnvil #ForagingInspirations

    MAY 2024: Weekly update no. 3

    Competitions and Challenges

    The large portion of the experiments is now done and time for actual cooking and writing will start tomorrow. Looking forward to it, since I'll be making one of my favourite dishes, but with a medieval/ancient twist on it.


    Foraging and wildlife

    No good luc with the elderflower lemonade. The flowers withered super fast as I saved them for later (for the lack of time). Wood-growing mushrooms start to appear but there is yet too little rain for typically foraged species (Porcini, Chantarelle) to be found in my neighbourhood. There's news of Chicken of the Woods making its appearance around Poland, so maybe visiting a more remote deciduous wood is an idea.

    When visiting my parents I collected grape leaves of 4 different varieties, having some bigger ones (more tanic and hard) and smaller (glistening, acidic and fragile). They are waiting in salted water untill I make a use of them, possibly for something similar to dolmas mentioned by ShadowPoenix. ;)

    With Foraging inspirations. Mushrooms, pt. 1 -- the lookalikes I'm starting a series dedicated to #ForagingInspirations. Prepare for a fair dose of nerdy knowledge. Mushrooms are strange but also interestingly strange and can serve as a prop, right next to plants, animals and forces of nature. The article includes some real-life lookalikes, how they can be mistaken and whether the mistake will be deadly or not. I've included a short scene example at the end.


    Climbing the WorldAnvil learning curve

    This is how the unrendered variables look like in the text (specifically in Euclid) by Angantyr
    This week I experimented some more with Variables. While I have previously started small with variables for placenames:
  • Cymru
  • Gáláwá
  • Brûdhe
  • this time around I wanted to make something more complex.

    The above examples are "Type Simple", which means you get two fields: ey (which you see above) and Value (which appears as a tooltip). What gives even more flexibility is the "Type Rendered", which permits the use of BBcode, containers, etc. With containers it gets very powerful, since I basically get a segment, which can be CSS tailored in a thousand and one ways. But even with the ability to fit "aloud" boxes, tables and such, this gives quite an edge and enables one to have a big portion of information to be maintained in a single place. I have used these for content warning boxes. More on that in the next update.


    Worldbuilding progress

    More stubs and notes on which flavour pairings worked and which did not. Finally getting down to writing, after the foraging article is published. So now all hands on deck with the Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge.

        That's it! I'll be back with a weekly update somewhere around this extended weekend (monday included, as usual).   Take care and have a splendid week!     #WeeklyUpdate #UnofficialChallenge #GloriousFood #UsingWorldAnvil #ForagingInspirations

    Take the Challenge

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